View Full Version : Confused on plane Type???

Nick Sidlaruk
04-19-2013, 1:20 PM
Hi,I have a question for the knowledgeable guys here. I was given some old Stanley/Bailey planes and I am trying to figure out what type one is. I think it might be a 4, 5, 8 or 9. The way the number designation is it makes me think that it is an earlier type, but the casting marks seem to indicate a later type maybe a 8 or 9. The frog seems to missing the adjustment lever so I can’t use it to date the plane. Am I close or am I way off?



Greg Wease
04-19-2013, 1:49 PM
"B" casting = Type 8.

Jim Koepke
04-19-2013, 1:59 PM
+1 on what Greg said, the "B" is the main signifier between the type 6a with or without a dot, type 7 with an "S" and a type 8.

A type 4 doesn't have a lateral adjuster. (Also has right hand threads for the blade depth adjustment.)

A type 5 has a lateral adjuster that doesn't have the disk and has a different cutout for the lateral adjuster. (Also has right hand threads for the blade depth adjustment.)

A type 9 has a rib on the base and a cutout for the rib at the bottom of the frog.

It can be confusing and isn't really as important as how well the plane works.


Nick Sidlaruk
04-19-2013, 2:39 PM
Thank you guys for the help. I agree that the type isn't as important as to how well it works, but it does help to know the type before one ventures out to buy replacement parts, mainly the frog on this guy. :)

Pat Barry
04-19-2013, 3:35 PM
I guess I'm confused. Doesn't the fact it actually is labeled No 5 mean something?

Noah Wagener
04-19-2013, 3:46 PM
i think just that it is a jack plane

Nick Sidlaruk
04-19-2013, 3:46 PM
I guess I'm confused. Doesn't the fact it actually is labeled No 5 mean something?

The No. 5 indicates the style while the type is the time frame of manufacture.

Pat Barry
04-19-2013, 8:16 PM
Oh, I see. Thanks for the info.