View Full Version : I'm Good

Jerry Thompson
04-18-2013, 5:12 PM
I had some 30'' sides to my Shaker clock that were not square due to me not checking my SCMS in ages. I squared them up amd redid the rabbets. This ended up with them needing to be cut to equal length and back of the clock shortend also. Ony a tiny bit needed to be removed. I shaved of a hair on all three. I stood them vertical and they were within 1/128'' of each other.
Tomorrow I am going to EBay all of my measuring devices. Just think of the time I will save not hunting for my tape measure. The thing was off half the time anyway.:D

Denny Rice
04-18-2013, 11:20 PM
I cannot even see 1/64" of an inch anymore, no less 1/128" of an inch (you are good) .........That is 0.05 of a millimeter. My customer nor I will ever see that. Don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy woodworking.