View Full Version : Trying To Find A Delta Clock...

Derek Arita
04-16-2013, 7:27 PM
I purchased this clock 8 to 10 years ago at a Rockler store. I lost it in a move and have been trying to locate another one. It's large and has an aluminum bezel.

Matt Meiser
04-16-2013, 7:41 PM
You could make your own. Buy a clock you like and design a new face. Fedex Office can print it on a large format printer for you.

Derek Arita
04-16-2013, 8:11 PM
Nice thought, but you know how it is...I was really happy to have gotten it in the first place. It wasn't something I was in Rockler for, but when I saw it, I had to have it. It's a large clock, with a white face and large aluminum bezel and the Delta logo on it. Really hope I can find one again.

Steve Rozmiarek
04-16-2013, 9:32 PM
I got outbid on one on that website formerly known as an auction site last fall. I think it was the only auction listing at the time, and people were lining up for the novelty of bidding on something again. If you want to endure the pain and suffering of wading through the thousands of overpriced "buy it now" listings, they do turn up periodically. Saw one listed for a very reasonable $800 this winter actually. :mad: sorry for the fleabay rant...

BTW, I gave up and now have a Festool clock.

Derek Arita
04-16-2013, 10:04 PM
I saw that ebay clock. That was not the clock I'm looking for. The ebay clock looked like a real Delta shop clock from years ago. It was a plug in clock and looked like the face was lit. The clock I'm looking for is clearly not an expensive clock. It runs on batteries and has a typical quartz type movement. I bought it for $29. The ebay clock was cool, but not $800 cool.

Derek Arita
04-18-2013, 9:39 PM
Well, I may have just struck gold! I called about 15 Rocklers across the US. On the 15th call, the Manager of the store said that he didn't have any more of those clocks left and hadn't had them for years. I told him more of the story of how I lost the clock, then he stopped me and said, "Hey...I think I have your clock hanging on the wall in the store!" He said he had a Delta and a Porter Cable and that they have been hanging on the wall for years. I'm sure that's the one, because when I bought mine, I had a choice of Delta or Porter Cable. I told him that he had just ended a 2 year search.
Anyhow, I ended up buying both clocks and he is sending them to me. I hope these are the ones after all. I will report back with pics when they arrive. The clock is really nothing special, but I really did dig that clock.

Phil Thien
04-18-2013, 9:51 PM
The clock is really nothing special, but I really did dig that clock.

I know exactly where you're coming from.

I look forward to the pics.

Steve Peterson
04-19-2013, 1:47 PM
Derek, that store manager sounds like a great guy. Please post the location of the store. He deserves some kudos.


Derek Arita
04-19-2013, 2:58 PM
Derek, that store manager sounds like a great guy. Please post the location of the store. He deserves some kudos.

He deserves great kudos. I just want to make sure it all actually happens. I'll post pics and kudos once done, for sure. I'm also sending a letter to Rockler central about his great service above and beyond.

Tony Leonard
04-19-2013, 4:22 PM
I bought the clock with the retro style Rockler logo and Ben Franklin quote. I never meant to have a clock in my shop, but I really liek that clock. No I have several clocks in there! None on purpose though! Glad you found your clock!


Derek Arita
04-20-2013, 4:31 PM
Well, here it is! I know it's no big deal, but for some reason, I really like this clock. It took a little clean up and it's not perfect, but I like to think of the flaws as patina and it's not restored, just cleaned up. It looks cool. Thanks to Roger Davis, Manager at the Torrance CA Rockler store.
http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/9048/img0641wh.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/img0641wh.jpg/)