View Full Version : The Gorilla found it's way home today!!!!

Larry Browning
05-12-2005, 10:13 PM
Well, just as I expected, there were 6 boxes sitting right in front of the garage door. (LOML was not too happy about not being able to pull her car into the garage). I managed to get the boxes into the truck and down to the shop. One box was damaged pretty badly. It was by far the heaviest, so I knew it was the blower assembly. I opened it first to find some crushed cardboard and a pristine blower assembly with a beautiful Baldor motor attached :) Here are some pictures. I will have to wait until I get the latest project finished, the shop rearanged (see my other thread about that), and a few other odds and ends before I can put this bad boy together. Combine that with my crazy work schedule and of course me being the slowest woodworker on the planet and I may have it working by September.


Corey Hallagan
05-12-2005, 10:30 PM
Congrats Larry on the new equipment. That is alot of pieces. Enjoy,


Terry Hatfield
05-12-2005, 11:02 PM

I'd be glad to swing down your way and give you a hand with the install if you need it. I could bring my magnehelic and we could give 'er the test. Then you'd know exactly what it does performance wise in your configuration.


Larry Browning
05-12-2005, 11:34 PM

I'd be glad to swing down your way and give you a hand with the install if you need it. I could bring my magnehelic and we could give 'er the test. Then you'd know exactly what it does performance wise in your configuration.

I will be taking you up on that offer!!! But it will still be a while before I can do anything with it. I have a TV armoire I have to finish first. (This is the project that will never end) The project I have been working on for the past 2 years at my paying job went into production last weekend and I have been putting out fires ever since. Things are slowly getting better with that, so I should be getting home earlier with less stress. Plus, you know me, I never get in a hurry in my woodshop, I never seem to have the time to take my time at work, so I just go at my own pace in the shop.


Terry Hatfield
05-12-2005, 11:36 PM
I understand fully. My work has been just plain nuts lately as well. Just give me a ring or shoot me an email when you are getting close. We should be able to get the bulk of it up and going in a weekend.


Andy London
05-13-2005, 6:12 AM
Congrads Larry!....6 boxes...??? You must have received extra stickers or something...??? :confused: :D If you don't want them, I didn't get any stickers with mine.....maybe Gorilla's are not allowed across the border or something....

I say put the project on hold, take a few days off, invite a bunch of guys over and start laying the duct:) I have a really hard time focusing on projects when there is a new toy in the shop......sometimes I have to just plug it in, not use it and that works:).....what a hobby eh?

Post pics as you progress!


John Miliunas
05-13-2005, 7:44 AM
Larry, truly a worthy gloat! Thus far, it appears that these Gorilla's are living up to Oneida's reputation, which only means it should do a pretty kickin' job for you! Just wait until you get it setup and plumbed! The first time you fire it up and make some sawdust with one of your tools, you'll be saying, "What sawdust?!:) " Congrats!:) :cool:

Jim Becker
05-13-2005, 8:30 AM
Ah, yes...the great arrival. Much more managable than King Kong, too...although this one will not climb up on the wall all by itself! :) Congratulations, Larry!

Frank Pellow
05-13-2005, 10:08 AM
Congratualtions Larry, and thanks for the pictures. I hope that you m,anage to find the time to get the system working before September.

I was very impressed with the packaging on my Oneida system, and seeing how well your motor unit was protected from the abuse given to the box, just adds to that impression.