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james mcgrew
04-14-2013, 12:19 PM
Thanks Kieth Outten for all the support and for the Members of the Creek !!! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200476681832032.1073741826.1606742926&type=1

Mike Heidrick
04-14-2013, 3:09 PM
Thanks for the pics. Now I am hungry for BBQ.

james mcgrew
04-14-2013, 6:06 PM
will be posting some Vids as well !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p05kEl2XAFo&nofeather=True

Brandon MacDougall
04-14-2013, 6:13 PM
I would of loved to come this year, I been playing with Aspire 4.0 demo.... The STL redraw seems way faster than a few year back good job...

Keith Outten
04-14-2013, 10:17 PM
I got back home at about 8:30 am this morning after making a stop to visit an old friend in Wilmington NC on my return trip from Columbia South Carolina. The Aspire 2013 event was jam packed with information and talented people. I can't imagine any other place where so many creative CNC Operators have ever assembled to share their knowledge and expertise.

I had an opportunity to participate in a short discussion with James Booth and a few others early on the second day concerning Vectric software, its present offerings and where the company is heading. Vectric clearly has a vision that extends well beyond the present and everyone seemed energetic about the future direction. James actually has an incredible sense of humor that you rarely see during his training presentations. Although the workload over the last year has obviously been brutal for the Vectric Staff preparing the new software for the recent release you could tell that they were proud of what they have accomplished.

This year the Aspire Version 4 topic software clearly dominated the event, it hasn't always been so in the past. When so many creative people gather in one place you never know what, when or how things will progress but this year it was all about Aspire.

Our friends from CAMaster were there in force with several CNC machines and several people to answer questions and provide some great demonstrations. Every year they improve their product line and this year was no different, my Stinger II doesn't look anything like its newer cousins these days inside or out. CAMaster's Cobra machines have also been improved and the ATC machine that Jim McGrew has is a real beauty.

ShopBot was represented by a couple guys who showed off their desk top machine again this year and they shared information about the 100K garage program and more. The desk top machine has continued to be improved, it is a pretty robust little beast these days with 4th axis rotary capability.

I will share more of my thoughts about the Aspire 2013 event after I have had a good nights sleep.

james mcgrew
04-15-2013, 7:02 AM
Education is tha thing,, get out and help in your communitys we all need you,, Just look at the talent coming up the scale !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCy1MFf3tkg&nofeather=True

james mcgrew
04-15-2013, 7:04 AM
TR MCMunn and GoldLeafing !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4357AvuJIpY&nofeather=True

james mcgrew
04-15-2013, 7:05 AM
I would of loved to come this year, I been playing with Aspire 4.0 demo.... The STL redraw seems way faster than a few year back good job... Brandon I would really like to showcase your work one year !!! I have always admired it !!

Brandon MacDougall
04-25-2013, 10:35 AM
Brandon I would really like to showcase your work one year !!! I have always admired it !!

Thanks James!

My Boys just got a nice 3x5 custom made CNC so I been working with Aspire off and on, the new build seems a lot better with STL's now enjoying it.



Brandon MacDougall
04-25-2013, 10:58 AM
I can tell this neck will not be that simple tho and i have to remove a lot of waste... On the CW I cut it on the sides....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0K3XCwechY&list=UUsgHcEI0QlWQP7_zTbsOrIQ& index=1

Keith Outten
04-25-2013, 11:00 AM

Thanks for sharing the pictures, however I can't view them as I don't have a FB account....Twitter either. The truth is i have never even seen either of the services, The Creek keeps me to busy to visit other communities.