View Full Version : Anyone using Ubiquinol?

dennis thompson
04-12-2013, 3:47 PM
I take Lipitor and have been reading that those who are taking Statins should also take Ubiquinol. Anyone using this? Have any info on Ubiquinol?

Bill Davis
04-12-2013, 5:33 PM
If you are going to continue in statins you should definitly take it but my best suggestion is to stop statin drugs and take ubiquinol anyway. Why are you taking a statin drug anyway. I'm surt your doctor told you that you need to but.... remember this Cholesterol Is Not A Disease and it is neither the cause of heart disease. There is definitely another side to the statin story. Don't be snookered!


Phil Thien
04-12-2013, 5:55 PM
If you are going to continue in statins you should definitly take it but my best suggestion is to stop statin drugs and take ubiquinol anyway. Why are you taking a statin drug anyway. I'm surt your doctor told you that you need to but.... remember this Cholesterol Is Not A Disease and it is neither the cause of heart disease. There is definitely another side to the statin story. Don't be snookered!


I was going to say something, I'm glad you did.

The movie "Fat Head" (IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1333994/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) provides a pretty interesting look at cholesterol, and diet.

I was also surprised to hear a story on NPR today about exercise, and stretching. Turns out that there really is no scientific evidence that stretching helps people avoid injury during subsequent exercise. And in some instances, it can actually INCREASE the risk of injury.

[No evidence is provides any help AFTER exercise, either, in case you were wondering.]

Bill Davis
04-12-2013, 10:37 PM
Ubiquinol is a form of CoQ10 which is naturally made in your body unless you take a statin drug such as Lipitor. Statin drugs not only lower your cholesterol but inhibit production of CoQ10 and testosterone among others. Here are some articles that refer to CoQ10 - http://pi-bill-articles.blogspot.com/search/label/CoQ10. And on statin side effects - http://pi-bill-articles.blogspot.com/search/label/side%20effects. And links to cancer - http://pi-bill-articles.blogspot.com/search/label/cancer. Please take CoQ10! Like I said if you keep taking a statin take a reasonably high dose and ubiquinol is suppose to be the best though more expensive form of CoQ10. Your body and expecially your heart muscles need CoQ10!

Jerry Thompson
04-12-2013, 10:43 PM
I take CO Q10. I also take statins. If I do not take CO Q10 I get tired by noon to 2pm. This is not a pacebo effect as I have taken it for years, Placebo effects last only from 3-6 months. As for the rest of the items dicussed do as you will.

Peter Stahl
04-13-2013, 12:02 AM
How much ubiquinol should someone take a day?

dennis thompson
04-13-2013, 4:46 AM
How much ubiquinol should someone take a day?

The instructions on the bottle say "Adults take 1 softgel daily". Each softgel is 100mg. I bought "Qunol mega CoQ10" at Costco

Bill Davis
04-13-2013, 9:26 AM
If you are on statins I would take a minimum of 200mg per day of ubiquinol or double that if regular CoQ10. But read these since there is not total agreement. But whatever you do take some for your heart. Depletion is a likely cause of heart failure in statin takers.


Scott Snyder
04-13-2013, 3:45 PM
I will preface this by writing that while I am a physician nothing I state here is intended to be taken as medical advice to anyone. That said -

Perhaps you should be getting advice on medications/supplements from the physician who ordered the Lipitor in the first place. Woodworking sites tend to be full of people with expertise on woodworking and no undertanding at all of cholesterol metabolism. Yes, you should be on CoQ-10 if you take a statin. A reasonable dose for most people is 200mg/day. No, it doesn't matter whether it's called CoQ-10, Ubiquinol, ubiquinone; generic meds have to pass the same FDA standards as name brand. Buy it at Sam's Club if you want. Elevated levels of cholesterol and certain lipoproteins are a CLEAR AND UNDISPUTED risk factor for heart disease, stroke and certain other diseases. Statins CAN help lower the risk of a primary event and lower the rate of recurrence of a subsequent event. If a statin is prescribed (really doesn't matter which one by the way) avoid taking it at your own peril.

These drugs save lives. Any argument to the contrary is "bovine scatology". RIP Gen Schwartzkopf.

Pat Barry
04-13-2013, 4:29 PM
My apologies to those who seem to think that Lipitor and other statins should not be taken. I think the hard, scientific evidence would say otherwise. Also what would say otherwise is direct experience from people like me who have been taking it for 8 years and it has helped prevent another heart attack and I truly believe it. As for Ubiquinol I have no comment because I had not ever heard of it before. Not only me but many others who I know are taking statins have never heard of it. For now, I will take my medical advice from my doctors and not a woodworking forum member with no apparent credentials.

Phil Thien
04-13-2013, 5:21 PM
Perhaps you should be getting advice on medications/supplements from the physician who ordered the Lipitor in the first place. Woodworking sites tend to be full of people with expertise on woodworking and no undertanding at all of cholesterol metabolism.

Said the MD at the woodworking site, LOL. :)

Relying on the input of a single, qualified expert is certainly one way to go.

But of course, you'd have to wonder why he isn't already taking CoQ-10 already, right?

The original poster, by asking here, can learn what others taking statins were told by their physicians. Based on that, he can determine whether a conversation with his doctor is warranted. It is like getting several [free] 2nd opinions.

The reality is, asking here not only benefits the OP, it benefits his doctor. Because now the questions he asks his doctor are sort of "prequalified." He knows it is important to bring up CoQ-10. But if he had concerns that eating some specific food would reduce the effectiveness of the statin, he could also ask that here and not have to waste his doctor's time.

It also benefits society, as the OP is intelligently using alternative sources to help make informed decisions. After all, relying exclusively on your doctor is sort of an expensive way to go.

Asking here also benefits other SMC members that may be unaware of the importance of taking CoQ-10, if they are also using statins.

I'm struggling to think of an instance where one should rely solely on the input of a single, qualified expert.

I'll post back if I think of any.

Phil Thien
04-13-2013, 5:28 PM
My apologies to those who seem to think that Lipitor and other statins should not be taken. I think the hard, scientific evidence would say otherwise. Also what would say otherwise is direct experience from people like me who have been taking it for 8 years and it has helped prevent another heart attack and I truly believe it. As for Ubiquinol I have no comment because I had not ever heard of it before. Not only me but many others who I know are taking statins have never heard of it. For now, I will take my medical advice from my doctors and not a woodworking forum member with no apparent credentials.

Are you going to ask your doctor about Ubiquinol?

Doing so would be somewhat hypocritical, as if it weren't for a "woodworking forum member with no apparent credentials," you apparently wouldn't know anything about it.

Scott Snyder
04-13-2013, 7:00 PM
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr.

"It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt." Ascribed to Abraham Lincoln and others.

You have successfully dissuaded me from participating any further in this discussion. It seems rather pointless.

Oh, by the way, your design for a dust baffle works superbly. I followed your instructions and since I know nothing of air velocities, dust particle sizes, coefficients of drag, etc I relied on your advice. The thing works great and I plan on using one for a long time to come. Apparently dust baffles are a subject you know something about...

Phil Thien
04-13-2013, 7:50 PM
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr.

"It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt." Ascribed to Abraham Lincoln and others.

You have successfully dissuaded me from participating any further in this discussion. It seems rather pointless.

Oh, by the way, your design for a dust baffle works superbly. I followed your instructions and since I know nothing of air velocities, dust particle sizes, coefficients of drag, etc I relied on your advice. The thing works great and I plan on using one for a long time to come. Apparently dust baffles are a subject you know something about...

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Larry Frank
04-13-2013, 7:52 PM
+1 for the doctor and his comments

While I also read a lot on the internet, I rely on my doctors for medical advice. If I did not have faith in them, why would I pay to see them. This site is great for woodworking but not the place I will go to for medical advice.

dennis thompson
04-13-2013, 8:27 PM
I'd ask that we calm down a bit. I only asked if anyone has used ubiquinol, or had any knowledge about it. I certainly plan to discuss it with my doctor the next time i'm there. I have no intention of stopping lipitor, in fact I worked for 25 years for the company that invented Lipitor, so it has been very good to me both medically and financially. I,however, value the comments of lay people who would take the time to respond and certainly appreciate the comments from medical professionals who have done the same.
Thanks for all the info

Phil Thien
04-13-2013, 8:44 PM
+1 for the doctor and his comments

While I also read a lot on the internet, I rely on my doctors for medical advice. If I did not have faith in them, why would I pay to see them. This site is great for woodworking but not the place I will go to for medical advice.

It seems to me that so far the OP HAS relied on his doctor for medical advice, but the doctor didn't mention Ubiquinol.

Whether the OP found out about Ubiquinol from a woodworking forum, a radio program, or a talking dog seems irrelevant to me.

The important thing is to become an informed patient, and then talk to his doctor.

Or am I missing something?

Brian Elfert
04-13-2013, 8:59 PM
Doctors are certainly a good source of information, but not every doctor is up to date on the latest treatments. Why do think second opinions are recommended for many medical diagnosis? I very much doubt my family doctor can keep fully up to date on the hundreds or thousands of medical conditions he can diagnose.

There is a lot of medical quackery on the Internet. I think for every possible drug or medical treatment you could find websites advocating for and against the same treatment or drug. You could find 100s of websites that advocate for a vegan diet and 100s of websites that say a vegan diet will kill you. You have to take any medical advice from the Internet with a grain of salt.

Pat Barry
04-13-2013, 10:16 PM
I'll tell you what guys, if my doctor suggests it then I will let you all know. I'm thinking, don't hold your breath.