View Full Version : How to match wood filler to Cedar Finish

John Appleseed
04-11-2013, 7:59 PM
Hi there,

I'm making a jewelry box for my granddaughter. I have made it out of Cedar Wood. I used the box joint method. The finish that I'm applying is Pure Tung oil, as it really brings out the grain. Now the issue that I am now facing is how to match the wood filler that I have to use in a couple of places.

I would really appreciate your input.


Steve Schoene
04-12-2013, 1:37 PM
Apply the first coat or two of Tung Oil, wiping it dry after each coat, and let it cure. Then match your wood filler to that color and then apply your final three or four coats of Tung Oil. With a pure oil finish--Tung Oil or BLO, it will be hard to get really close match of sheen with the oil over the filler. Film finishes could build a film over both wood and filler and would be easy to achieve the same sheen on both areas.

John Appleseed
04-13-2013, 12:06 AM
Steve, I have the white minwax wood filler, what do you suggest I mix with this filler to get a cedar color?

Is there a gude as to what you add to plain wood filler to acheive a certain color?