View Full Version : Finishing Boxes For The Grandchildren

Steve Kohn
04-10-2013, 10:13 PM
I've just finished the woodworking on 3 memory boxes for my new grandchildren. These boxes are about 7 inches wide, 6 inches tall, and 12 inches long. All have lids/covers. Since I've used a combination of various figured woods (BE Maple, curly cherry, walnut, ambrosia maple) I really want the grain to pop. I've read the boiled linseed oil will do that so I bought some an then tried it on scraps. However, I also remembered the last time I used an oil based finish (polyurethane) on the inside of anything I couldn't get rid of the smell.

So that brings me to my proposed finishing schedule......Several coats of BLO applied at 24 hour interval. Followed by at least 2 coats of shellac sanding sealer (HVLP sprayed). If needed then a rub down with 600 grit paper and an additional coat of shellac.

Will the oil smell contaminate the box? Any other comments/suggestions.

Scott Holmes
04-11-2013, 12:55 AM
BLO is to enhance the grain it is not really a finish. One wipe on coat wiped dry after 5 or 10 minutes is fine then give a dayor two to dry and then use the shellac.

Shellac is not to bebuilt up as you do with lacquer and varnish. The thinnest possible film that is flawless. 2or 3 spray coats should be plenty.

Steve Kohn
04-11-2013, 7:16 AM
Thanks Scott. This will make the finishing process considerably easier.

I assume from you answer that the shellac will seal in any residual smell from the BLO inside the box?

Ryan Lee
04-11-2013, 8:31 AM
I made a blanket chest and finished it with Tung oil....bad decision. That smell permeated into everything I put in there. I ended up putting a couple coats of shellac to seal it in.

Howard Acheson
04-11-2013, 12:38 PM
>>>> I used an oil based finish (polyurethane) on the inside of anything I couldn't get rid of the smell.

Avoid any type of oil or oil based finish on the inside of an enclosed space. Oils and oil based varnishes are very slow drying and they off-gas almost forever and any enclosed space will concentrate the gas and therefore, the odor. Any interior that will contain cloth or clothing should either be left unfinished or should be coated with shellac or a waterborne finish.