View Full Version : Picked up a Ekstrom-Carlson Model 156 Pin Router this weekend.

Christopher Clark
04-08-2013, 11:01 PM
I should say two tractors picked it up.... In Vermont, it seems everyone has a tractor. ;)

Heard about this particular router a year ago and made a deal for it last December.
Last weekend I finally got everyone together to help with the move. This will be in storage until I have a shop to hold it. In the meanwhile I'll get a Teco VFD to drive it.
A real monster and it runs great!


Joe Hillmann
04-09-2013, 12:57 PM
She's a beauty. If you need a place to store it you could always drop it off with me :) What do you plan on using it for?

Christopher Clark
04-09-2013, 7:11 PM
Thanks Joe, but I've done enough heavy lifting for this week. :)
Eventually I'd like to build a few guitars. I stopped building them over 30 years ago and recently started getting the bug to build again.
Guess woodworking is like riding a bicycle, you never really forget.