View Full Version : Stop using toxic spray mount... this is better!

Robert Tutsky
04-07-2013, 12:03 PM
Here's a way to save your lungs and also dealing with that horrible overspray (that adheres to everything) from using a spray mount product. I have been using non toxic school glue sticks for mounting for quite a while now and find it’s an ideal way to mount templates for cutting out parts on the band, scroll, or coping saw...

You can find these glue sticks at drug stores, Wal Mart, etc… or do what I do and purchase them off ebay.

I found a pack of 4 on ebay with free shipping for about 4 bucks… here (http://www.ebay.com/itm/360414689640?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)

Just rub this glue on the reverse side of your template and mount it to your wood:


For mounting larger diagrams you’ll find that the glue dries a bit before you're ready to mount it. Here’s a tip, just lightly spray the dried glued side with water… it will re-activate the glue’s stickiness for mountring. I use one of these kitchen pump atomizers and it works really well but any fine mister would work:

After cutting out your part you can easily remove the template by spraying the paper with water until it’s soaked good then scrape off with your finger. If there’s any glue residue left simply wash it off with a paper towel and more water. An added benefit is the wood’s grain is raised, ready to get a fine surface by sanding.

Hope that this idea helps woodworkers from the awful after effects of using spray mount.

Steve Rost
04-08-2013, 6:58 AM
I have used school glue for years to adhere my scrollsaw paterns. Not familiar with that product, will look for it!