View Full Version : Shop Update - Photos

Corey Hallagan
05-11-2005, 7:45 PM
Well another long day, but a little closer! I have the two cabinets ready to do the face frames. Let me know what you think. On the workbench as a side note, I just got my issue of WOOD magazine and there is a plans on a great low cost wood workers bench in it and how to trick it out. I wish I had seen this before, I would have spent the money and added another 3 or 4 days of vacation and built this one.... eventually, ... anyway.
Just click on the link below:


Thank you,


Tom Hurlebaus
05-11-2005, 7:59 PM

Looks great ... I might have missed it but are you planning on hanging the cabinets or will they sit on the floor ?

mike malone
05-11-2005, 8:03 PM
yer startin' to cook Corey....looks good, keep at it

Corey Hallagan
05-11-2005, 8:09 PM
Thanks Mike!! Hi Tom, these are base cabinets, they sit on a 1 x 4 pine box frame. The uppers most likely will come from our kitchen rehab this summer, or at least I hope so, but this will give me alot more storage until then.


John Miliunas
05-11-2005, 8:54 PM
Hey Corey, you're just a' cruisin' on that project!:) I think I'd still be scratching my head, wondering what to cut first!:rolleyes: Curious...What are you using to cut down all that heavy sheetgoods? That's a LOT of heavy stock there! Lookin' real good, though! Thanks for keeping us posted.:) :cool:

Tom Pritchard
05-11-2005, 8:54 PM
Hi Corey, looks like you have been busy! You are really going to be well organized with all of those new cabinets. Even though it's a lot of work, it sure is fun to make things the way you want them, isn't it? Take care!

By the way, is that your bike in the picture? :D

Corey Hallagan
05-11-2005, 9:05 PM
Thanks John, yeah, it is all three quarter stock. As far as ripping down sheet goods, nothing but my circular saw and an aluminum saw clampn saw/router guide ( my best friend these last few days) and it works really well. I have always done this, previously to getting the guide I have a 8 ft piece of oak that was straight and square that I used as a guide. This just clamps up tight much easier.

Thanks Tom, I hope it will be anyway .... and yes, that is my bike I ride in the circus on the weekends :)
