View Full Version : Thank you..Thank you!!! Small gloat and recent projects for C&C..

Clive Mamby
03-20-2013, 5:01 PM
I have been a long time lurker on SMC, however, I recently started turning and subsequently discovered this forum. First I would like to thank everyone for their contribution and recommendations regarding various products, projects, and methods. Because of this information I have learned a lot. Based on various recommendations I am the proud owner of 3 Doug Thompson gouges. They are shown in the attached, mounted in jatoba handles I made for them. Also attached for C&C is a photo of several new items I recently completed using my new gouges...

Steve Schlumpf
03-20-2013, 5:51 PM
Clive - glad to hear that you have started turning and I look forward to seeing some of your work... however, the 2 photos you have attached do not show up - at least for me. Can you see them? If not, then either the photos are too large or something else is going on.

Brian Kent
03-20-2013, 6:27 PM
Welcome Clive, and I also look forward to seeing your tools and your turnings. Do you need any assist on the photo postings?

Clive Mamby
03-20-2013, 7:18 PM
Clive - glad to hear that you have started turning and I look forward to seeing some of your work... however, the 2 photos you have attached do not show up - at least for me. Can you see them? If not, then either the photos are too large or something else is going on.

Hi Steve,

I can see both of my attachments. However, it seems I did not drag the two files into the area mentioned in step 2....of the instructions. If this does not work I will have to make the files smaller and try again tomorrow.


Clive Mamby
03-20-2013, 7:25 PM
Welcome Clive, and I also look forward to seeing your tools and your turnings. Do you need any assist on the photo postings?

Hi Brian,

It seems I did not complete the posting directions correctly. Please try again to see you can see the attachments. If this does not work I may need your help tomorrow...


Brian Kent
03-20-2013, 8:13 PM
I can see them now and I love your artistry (and new tools). The question remains - how did you polish those wings? Lathe off or on?

Harry Robinette
03-20-2013, 8:56 PM
Glad to see you and your turnings are on the Creek. I love Doug's tools and have around 22 now. Really like the turnings but need more info
Size,wood,finish if you would. By the way pictures look good.

Clive Mamby
03-20-2013, 9:03 PM
I can see them now and I love your artistry (and new tools). The question remains - how did you polish those wings? Lathe off or on?


Outside of wings were sanded (100, 220 & 320) with the lathe on...using a disc sander. Inside was hand sanded with the same grades; then everything was hand sanded with 400 and 0000 steel wool. The finish is 3 coats of tung oil "finish".

Clive Mamby
03-20-2013, 9:31 PM
Glad to see you and your turnings are on the Creek. I love Doug's tools and have around 22 now. Really like the turnings but need more info
Size,wood,finish if you would. By the way pictures look good.

Hi Harry,
The 2 accessory trays in the background are 7" x 7" x 1.25"; Brazilian Mahogany...
The 3 winged boxes in the middle are 7" x 2.5"; Cuban Mahogany...
The winged box in the front is 7.5" x 3"; Maple (box and lid), finial is painted maple...
...all are finished with 3 coats of tung oil "finish".

Bernie Weishapl
03-20-2013, 10:20 PM
Glad to see ya turning. Those are some nice turnings. Nice Thompson tools.

Steve Schlumpf
03-20-2013, 11:35 PM
Clive - sorry for taking so long to get back here... had company over that prevented me from checking out your photos. I must say, for someone just starting out in turning, you sure show a lot of promise! Nice work on everything! Looking forward to watching you grow as a turner! Have fun!

Jerry Marcantel
03-20-2013, 11:49 PM
Clive, obviously lurking has it's advantages. Those winged boxes are really nice. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Welcome to the Creek............ Jerry (in Tucson)

Thom Sturgill
03-21-2013, 6:33 AM
Startng with square platters and winged bowls - must like to live on the wild side!! Good work, I will look forward to seeing more.

bob svoboda
03-21-2013, 9:02 AM
Your work looks great. Glad you are willing to share-thanks.