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View Full Version : need help with logo

Cindy Rhoades
03-19-2013, 11:16 AM
I had a potential large customer contact me this morning about engraving two awards for a ceremony this evening. The people he had doing the job dragged their feet so long that they said they couldn't do it, they told him this yesterday evening so he was given one of my cards my an acquaintance and called me this morning. I am in a bit a fog this morning because of a torn rotator cuff and stupidity has struck in trying clean up this logo for engraving. Can some one please help me ?

Ian Franks
03-19-2013, 11:42 AM
Traced it -you might need to tweak it a bit. Hope this helps.

Joe Hillmann
03-19-2013, 11:50 AM
Here it is all cleaned up. The G on swimming needs some work if they need a perfect match, also I couldn't tell if the inside corners on the A and S were sharp or rounded so you may need to tweak them. And last, the bobbers are color filled to hide the lower half of the CAST. Just do a back minus front if you are using a machine that engraves all vectors even ones that are hidden. I left them in there to allow you to do as much tweaking as possible to make it perfect.257528

Cindy Rhoades
03-19-2013, 11:58 AM
You guys are awesome thank you, you just saved my sanity. Its funny how pain makes you completely stupid because I looked at what you said you did and I hit myself in the forehead (with good arm of course ) like I could have had a V8 moment telling myself what an idiot I was. Thank you so much for the help.

Joe Hillmann
03-19-2013, 12:04 PM
Post pictures of the final product if you can.

Cindy Rhoades
03-20-2013, 7:59 AM
I will be doing some more of his things in the next two days and i will take pics and post.
Thanks for the help again he loved the items I did yesterday and I now have all of his business.