View Full Version : Use of Rasps by the Manufacturer?

David Howden
03-19-2013, 7:44 AM
I have been inactive for a period and just do not know how to use the forums. However, looking at the Highland Woodworker Video, I see Michel Auriou demonstrating his very well respected rasp by pushing or drawing it over the unprotected side edge of a planed length of wood held in a vice. By my thinking no matter how good the cutting tool one should always work away from the unsupported edge towards the more protected side of the surface, just in case there is an undiscerned flaw in the edge being worked. Or do anything as long as you are not demonstrating.

James White
03-19-2013, 7:52 AM
Hi David,

I am having a hard time understanding your question. Could you reword it and perhaps provide a link to the video you are speaking of.


Gary Herrmann
03-19-2013, 8:49 AM
Mods, move this to the neanderthal forum please.

David, rasps work on the push stroke. If you worked from the center out over a corner, you'd be more likely to cause break out, as opposed from the edge in. If it's the video I'm thinking of, I think he was shaping a cabriole leg, so the corner would disappear anyway, right?