View Full Version : Ash bowl with potential....

Michael Stafford
05-08-2005, 7:51 PM
Here is an ash bowl about 4" tall X 11" in diameter that had some real potential until I found the worm holes and stains which messed up an otherwise attractive piece of wood. :mad:

I included a picture of the bottom as it is the best part of this bowl! :p

Dick Parr
05-08-2005, 7:58 PM
Very nice Mike, you think outside the box after all. Beautiful piece of ash you have there as well. ;)

Great looking bowl Mike. :)

Fred LeBail
05-08-2005, 8:56 PM
Worm holes and Knots only enhance a bowl, as far as i am concerned. Every time my chisel makes a cut on a peice of wood it reveals something that would not be seen otherwise.
Did the ash have any chatter in it when trying to finish turn it? I have to build a Bowlsteady to finish mine.

Nice bowl.

Michael Stafford
05-08-2005, 10:49 PM
Fred, I had no problems with this particular bowl as I kept the wall thickness at about 1/2" but I do know of what you speak. I use my bowl steady frequently since Jim Ketron made it for me.... ;)

Raymond Overman
05-09-2005, 6:51 AM

Nice work on the bowl. The side profile is great. It doesn't look like it will spill any salad when you pass it around the table.

I find that the pieces that have worm holes and inclusions and knots and any other character are picked up first and admired. I have a peach bowl about this size with a hole in the bottom from an inclusion and think it's probably one of my favorite pieces. As opposed to flat work, those imperfections aren't considered defects. At least not by my customers.

Happy turning,

John Hart
05-09-2005, 7:00 AM
Hi Michael,

I look forward to the little imperfections. They really add character to to piece. Your bowl is beautiful!