View Full Version : Made a Steady Rest Today

Dick Parr
05-08-2005, 5:40 PM
Well our youngest daughter has Mickey out for the day and so I played in the shop. Darn, all by myself in the shop all day. :D

Well I got the wheels for this project on Friday from Gary Evans and decided it was time to Get 'R' Done. I got the idea/design from Dominic Greco over on the WC and as slow as I am and with a lot of rest periods, it took all day. :rolleyes:

But it is done and I am happy with it, it works :eek: . This should allow me to make a few things I have been holding off on until I got one of these rests.

It is made from scrap 3/4" oak ply that was sitting around, a few knobs and 1/4-20 from Lee Valley and I finished it with Deft semi gloss spray.

Thanks for looking

John Shuk
05-08-2005, 5:58 PM
That's a pretty slick rig Dick. Should work out pretty well.

John Miliunas
05-08-2005, 7:05 PM
Dick, well done, my friend! That should work slicker than snot on a brass door knob!:D Dom does some great work and if that design meets with his approval, you've got yourself a winner. Very nice job!:) :cool:

Fred LeBail
05-08-2005, 7:22 PM
Dick, nice job. I need to make up a bowl steady for some Ash bowls that are waiting for the final touch and I thought of metal but if I remove one wheel and side it might just work.

Randy Meijer
05-08-2005, 11:51 PM
How are you going to explain to the kids about the missing wheels from their rollerblades???:D :D

Jeff Sudmeier
05-09-2005, 8:38 AM
Dick, that sure does look great! Those rollerblade wheels should last you a good long time.

Keel McDonald
05-09-2005, 10:51 AM
Dick, nice jig. I saw a similar jig on the show "Woodworks" by David Marks. I think his was a factory-made jig though. I admire anyone who can come up with a way, or jig, to get the job done without buying a jig. After all, necessity is the mother of all invention.

Steve Inniss
05-09-2005, 12:24 PM

Looks great - actually looks way better than mine Oak ply vs. MDF. I like your use of knobs on that ways release. I just have a bolt and have to reach for the wrench each time.

The difference the rest makes is huge, looking forward to pics of the output.


Dick Parr
05-09-2005, 3:34 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone. :) It was fun to make and didn't cost me anything. That is the best kind of tool, I can afford this kind of tool. :D :rolleyes: