View Full Version : Thanks Jerry Mercantel for the Iron Maiden

Prashun Patel
03-15-2013, 11:45 AM
Gloat warning: Just received my JM aluminum chuck plate in the mail. Can't wait to mount some of the mesquite he included 'pro bono'. These chuck plates are straightforward to make, but getting all the spikes centered and adjustable is a pain for me. When these really take off, I'm planning to resell mine for a mint... ;)

Roger Chandler
03-15-2013, 3:03 PM
Congrats Prashun.......you will find this a great way to mount blanks in order to turn the tenon, and odd shaped wood.........I love mine! Jerry's innovation here is very useful!

Mike Cruz
03-15-2013, 3:41 PM
What time did it get to you...Two Minutes To Midnight?

Jerry Marcantel
03-15-2013, 10:06 PM
Cool, it got there.... Hope you like... Thanks and enjoy it.......... Jerry (in Tucson)

Mike Cruz
03-15-2013, 11:53 PM
We want...information. Information. Information. Who are you? The new number two. Who is number one? You are number six. I am not a number, I am a free man!

(This isn't as random as it may sound, btw...)

Jerry Marcantel
03-16-2013, 12:22 PM
We want...information. Information. Information. Who are you? The new number two. Who is number one? You are number six. I am not a number, I am a free man!

(This isn't as random as it may sound, btw...)

Mr. Cruz, WTH does that all mean??? I'm always a little slow. Please enlighten me. I'm sure I missed that movie.......... Jerry (in Tucson)

Robert Henrickson
03-16-2013, 12:46 PM
Mr. Cruz, WTH does that all mean??? I'm always a little slow. Please enlighten me. I'm sure I missed that movie.......... Jerry (in Tucson)

The quote comes from "The Prisoner" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_prisoner

Mike Cruz
03-16-2013, 2:13 PM
I'm sorry, Jerry. I was having a little fun. In the title of Prashun's thread, he mentions an Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden was also the name of a heavy metal rock band that started back in 1975 and is still going strong today.

Two Minutes To Midnight was one of their "on radio" hits. The my second post of this thread (while not original "lyrics", but rather a clip from a TV show) was the beginning of one of their biggest songs from 1982.

I was taking a guess that someone would have been making the connection between my posts and what was in the thread title...but I suppose they both went unnoticed.

Sorry for being cryptic.

Jerry Marcantel
03-16-2013, 4:07 PM
I'm sorry, Jerry. I was having a little fun. In the title of Prashun's thread, he mentions an Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden was also the name of a heavy metal rock band that started back in 1975 and is still going strong today.

Two Minutes To Midnight was one of their "on radio" hits. The my second post of this thread (while not original "lyrics", but rather a clip from a TV show) was the beginning of one of their biggest songs from 1982.

I was taking a guess that someone would have been making the connection between my posts and what was in the thread title...but I suppose they both went unnoticed.

Sorry for being cryptic.

You're ok Mike. Like I said , I'm a little slow, and if I need a definition or explanation, I'll ask. I've probably heard it a million times, but it's all background noise to me. I actually thought you were smoking something like we did way back in those days. .......... Jerry (in Tucson)

Steve Kubien
03-17-2013, 12:05 PM
Not random at all.

Mike Cruz
03-17-2013, 1:32 PM
Do I sense another Eddie fan?

Steve Kubien
03-17-2013, 4:02 PM
I'm familiar from Somewhere In Time and before, but nothing later. I've only seen them once "Somewhere On Tour" but I still consider myself a fan.

Mike Cruz
03-17-2013, 6:51 PM
I knew there had to be at least one Maiden fan here on the forum. One of the guys here (can't think of who off the top of my head...think he's a flatboarder), has a Judas Priest album cover as his avatar! Too cool...

Nate Davey
03-17-2013, 6:53 PM
Just ordered mine from, Jerry. Aces High baby

Steve Kubien
03-17-2013, 11:32 PM
Run to the hills cuz we got quotes coming!

Mike Cruz
03-17-2013, 11:44 PM
You aren't a Prowler, are you, Steve?

OK, I'm done with IM puns... Back to the actual thread topic.:o

David C. Roseman
03-18-2013, 1:15 PM
Prashun or Jerry - Some questions come to mind looking at Patel's photo of the metal version of the chuck plate. Does it have a tenon on the back side for use in a chuck, like the plywood version? Square shoulder, dovetail? Looks like it's milled from aluminum stock. Is there any issue chucking it up securely in the jaws of a scroll chuck?

Also, the pins at the perimeter look like they protrude farther than those near the center. Is the length adjustable? I think Jerry's earlier plywood version had the pins/screws all protruding 5/16." The perimeter pins in the metal version look longer than that. Related thought, would that not exacerbate eccentric loading if the headstock end of the blank is not perfectly square to the center of rotation? Seems like a bad catch might cause a large blank to spin off center and off the pins.

Wondering also if anyone has used the chuck plate to start bowl blanks for natural edge bowls (where the bark side of the half-round first faces the headstock)? Would be quick, but my concern would be of the pins tearing out of the bark. I now usually use a worm screw.


Prashun Patel
03-18-2013, 2:18 PM
1) Yes there is a tenon on the back. It's slightly dovetailed and and does not slip in my scroll chuck.
2) The pins are adjustable with a hex wrench. The ability to microadjust each pin provides versatility in mounting irregularly shaped blanks. It also allows for repositioning if you don't get the initial mounting quite to yr liking.
3) I've had a catch cause a previous chuck plate to slip and spin out, but I've not had the piece launch. It seems to me that the tailstock prevents major torque from being exerted on the plate pins.

Jerry Marcantel
03-18-2013, 8:24 PM
David, there are 13 pointed screws, all 1 1/4" long on the Chuck Plate, 8 of them on the outer ring. If you adjust these screws to fit the contours, then you have equal contact on all screws. The only screws that can be adjusted are the 8 on the outer ring, as the other 5 are secured in the chuck, hopfully with the center screw making contact. I've recently removed 4 of the outer screws to see what would happen, and I think it's just as good as 8 screws. One thing about this design, is the outer screws form a 3 1/2" circle, and are equally spaced at 45 degrees each, spreading the contact points over a larger area. Therefore, catches and spinning on the CP are rare, unless you don't tighten the tailstock.
I can't tell you what would happen to a large blank as my lathe is only a 12", and so far all I've done on size is 11 3/4" bowl, and not once did I feel insecure with the mounting.
Natural edge bowls with bark on and this Chuck Plate belong together like bread and butter....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Jerry Marcantel
03-18-2013, 8:30 PM
David and anyone else interested in the Chuck Plate and a couple other uses for it, go to the front page that lists all the forums and stuff, go the bottom of the page and click on Authors, and I posted the start of an article about the using the Chuck Plate ..... Jerry (in Tucson)

David C. Roseman
03-19-2013, 10:14 PM
Thanks, guys. Just thinking about the torque starting a 40 lb. 16" green bowl blank with just the bark engaged. :eek:
