View Full Version : Removing Table Saw Extension . . .

Steven DeMars
03-14-2013, 8:54 PM
I have become cramped for space. I have a Delta X5 Contractors Saw with a 35" Biesemeyer.

Overall table is 55" X 27".

I have 20" left of the blade & 35" right of the blade.

If I remove the extension table I'll only have 10" right of the blade.

Considered cutting the extension table to match the left side.

I have and use a DEWALT Track Saw for ripping panels. Also have a 10" Mikita Miter Saw.

Any suggestions . . . .


Bill White
03-15-2013, 7:23 AM
Don't used either saw to cut the extension. :))

glenn bradley
03-15-2013, 8:54 AM
Only you can decide how small a table still leaves you a usable saw. If you find you only rarely care about that much table, forge ahead. I would be more inclined to build a smaller table and throw the original into storage somewhere in the event that I want to sell the saw someday.

Lee Schierer
03-15-2013, 9:57 AM
Only you can decide how small a table still leaves you a usable saw. If you find you only rarely care about that much table, forge ahead. I would be more inclined to build a smaller table and throw the original into storage somewhere in the event that I want to sell the saw someday.

My thoughts exactly.

Steven DeMars
03-15-2013, 4:42 PM
Building a smaller table sounds like a great idea . .

Only one problem . . . The rail will still be there . .


glenn bradley
03-15-2013, 6:20 PM
Steel is pretty reasonable at a supply or surplus yard. I would be loath to cut my fence rails unless I plan to drive that particular saw to the tomb. Then it doesn't matter ;-)

Alan Melbourne
03-15-2013, 8:12 PM
iv got a euro slider . it comes with a 3 foot extention for the right hand side
i use it ocasionally at full width but it was a dumping ground and the saw toke up loads of space.
i too use a track saw . that removed the need for the table saw to cut 8 x 4 sheets so i removed the extention and cut the bar for the fence (i tried to buy a spare but coulnt )
now i have about 18 " tot he right and the sliding carrage to the left

i can honestly say that it is one of the best things i did in the shop. it allowed me to put the saw in a position that i normally coulnt adn free up the whole space
i went from a small one car garage size with only about 4 foot square in the middle to now having 8 foot square. the shop feels massive now . i could put in a few more machines if i wanted to

definetly take off the extention and see what happens. leave the fence rail for now and see if you need the extra width. i have never needed the full width that i have (18") let alone the extra i removed.
the track saw does most of my cutting now. its only riping narrow pieces i use the table saw for now