View Full Version : Nova DVR XP

Bernie Weishapl
03-13-2013, 6:05 PM
Does anyone who has the DVR XP have the remote for it? Do you like it? I am thinking of getting the remote and the retrofit since my lathe is 5 yrs old. Thanks.

Alan Trout
03-13-2013, 7:56 PM

I was going to buy one and then I got my Robust so I was short on cash. I did get to play with one quite a bit and it worked well. I will probably buy one in the future.


Peter Fabricius
03-13-2013, 8:19 PM
Hi Bernie;
I have had my XP for three years and totally happy with the controls that came with it. The remote could have been useful but Nova has overpriced it right out of the park.. Not worth the price they are asking since you have to buy two pieces to make it work on the models that are not prefitted with the remote receiver unit.
Just my two cents worth.
Peter F.

Alan Zenreich
03-13-2013, 8:21 PM
I installed the remote last year and like it. I did some modifications though, added stronger magnets.

Alan Zenreich
03-13-2013, 8:24 PM
I wrote a description of the installation here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?178988-Nova-DVR-XP-wireless-remote-installation-complete&highlight=Remote

mark ravensdale
03-13-2013, 8:26 PM
Before my dvrxp decided to commit suicide I had given some thought to getting the remote for my lathe, but just before I made up my mind someone on this forum said that they had tried installing one and when it was put back together the dvrxp did not work correctly (or not at all) even after they took the remote device back out, now this could be down to the remote or it could be down to the operator touching something and having a static discharge (not saying it was though!!!) or some other thing, so this then put me right off the idea of fitting one, my luck is bad enough without tempting fate (within a couple of weeks my dvrxp was dead, see what I mean abt luck, or lack of it :-)
just thought I would draw this to your attention !!!
having said the above, no doubt there are many dvr users out there that have fitted them with great success and use them with no problems!!!

Bernie Weishapl
03-14-2013, 12:07 AM
Thanks to all. Alan thanks for the info. I am probably going to order my retrofit kit and remote. Pretty cheap in my book at $180.

Kathy Marshall
03-14-2013, 1:17 AM
I've got the remote and I love. It's really nice when hollowing to be able to stop the lathe without having to reach around, especially if I'm holding the hollower inside the vessel (with a smaller opening I only remove the tool when the lathe is stopped so I don't hit the rim). Also works great when turning large bowls or propellers or NE bowls or anything with a sharp edge.
Mine is the one that went down when I first installed the remote board. The problem with my lathe was the main board was arcing, but it may have just been a coincidence that it went down at the same time I was installing the board. I haven't had any problems since the board has been replaced.

Gary Sichmeller
03-14-2013, 8:25 AM
I bought my DVR XP the same year Katrina hit New Orleans, so I've had it awhile. Decided last year to add the remote retro kit. It really is handy like everyone has said, the only problem I've had with it is it's inconsistency of operation. I've had occasions where it would not respond at all. Changed out the battery and that seemed to help. But, every once in awhile it still will not respond. I love my lathe, wouldn't trade it for anything, but have lost faith in the reliability of the remote.

mark ravensdale
03-14-2013, 11:06 AM
Kathy, glad to hear you got your dvr up and working in the end, I know all about the feeling one gets when you try upgrading a machine and it won't work afterwards, its one of those "what the hell did I do" moments ;-)
anyhow glad all is fixed and working now, so get out there and get that wood spinning!!! ;-)
by the way, the dvr is a great machine, I loved mine up until its demise, lovely smooth motor with great torque, I turned everything from pens right up to 27 by 8inch bowls on it and it never missed a beat, great lathe, I'am now waiting for my new Jet 3520b (powermatic over here in UK) to be delivered, it's like going cold turkey!!!

Bill Bolen
03-14-2013, 11:07 AM
I bought mine the week they came out. Always concerned reaching around the steady to turn the lathe off while hollowing. Still find it to be the best accessory I ever bought. Took me 2 tries to get it working though. The directions never mentioned the pairing button. Had to push that to pair up the remote with the circuit board. Thank goodness Alan Z had posted about this as it saved me a return for no good reason. Go for it Bernie.

Bernie Weishapl
03-14-2013, 11:42 AM
Thanks again. I will get one ordered today. As Kathy said doing HF's I don't like taking the tool out especially with a small opening with the lathe running. It is a pain to reach around especially if it is large and I have found myself a couple of times doing NE's and winged bowls almost getting my knuckles rapped. So with that said I will order the retrofit and remote. I bought my lathe in March of 2007 and haven't had a dimes worth of problems.

Steve Kubien
03-14-2013, 7:52 PM
Damn cheap considering you won't have to cross the line of fire. $180 just might save your life. If I still had my Nova, it would already be installed.

Bernie Weishapl
03-14-2013, 7:59 PM
Thanks Steve. That was my main concern was reaching around a turning piece. I had my knuckles rapped twice by a NE and sqaure bowl. So it has been ordered and will be on as soon as it arrives.

Matt Owen
03-14-2013, 11:32 PM
Looks like you've already made up your mind, but I thought I'd add another positive review. I love mine. Changing the board wasn't very difficult and Teknatool has a great video on how to do it. Sure is nice not to have to reach around the work piece or stand in the line of fire. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I have mine.

Steve Kubien
03-16-2013, 11:35 AM
My first two lathes had all of the controls on the headstock and I think such designs are a huge mistake. My Stubby has a remote start/stop (no speed control on the remote as it is an older model, sadly) and I think a stop feature (at the minimum) should be on the tailstock side of the lathe.

I will never be without it ever again.