View Full Version : Cherry Boxes

Hayes Rutherford
03-12-2013, 10:04 PM
Turned from pieces of previously roughed out fruit cherry, these were the best out of a dozen. Due to new laws over in Washington state, I hope to sell a lot of these small canisters this year. Bees wax finish, 3-4". C&C always welcome.

Baxter Smith
03-12-2013, 10:20 PM
Very pretty wood and lines Hayes. So what laws are taking effect?

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2013, 10:46 PM
Those are really nice Hayes. I really like that fruit cherry wood.

Jim Burr
03-12-2013, 11:30 PM
Really clean work Hayes...2nd the law issue?

Edward Cypher
03-12-2013, 11:46 PM
I like the one on the far right the best. All have great grain. Nicely done.

Hayes Rutherford
03-12-2013, 11:48 PM
Very pretty wood and lines Hayes. So what laws are taking effect?
Baxter Washington state legalized weed so maybe they could use containers like these.

Kathy Marshall
03-13-2013, 1:58 AM
Those all look great Hayes! Nice form on all of them, but I'd have to say the 1st is my favorite.

Dan Forman
03-13-2013, 2:53 AM
Nice work Hayes, your law explanation gave me a chuckle. Maybe I should start making some of these too. :)


Richard Jones
03-13-2013, 7:24 AM
Pretty boxes, Hayes.

Great lines, and favorite is the Ottoman- inspired box. Really nice.

How was the cherry to work? I have one in the front yard that will probably need to come down this year... :(

Michael Stafford
03-13-2013, 8:01 AM
I think you did a great job keeping the grain aligned and your finish is top drawer. The fact that you did not leave the sides completely straight makes for a more interesting box.

Around here cherry is one of my least favorite woods for boxes as it tends to be brittle and I have had several break when they were dropped- shattered like an egg. Our hardwoods out here in the coastal plain tend to be very brash or so I am told by foresters and do not have the characteristic toughness of the same species grown farther west. Of course where I live the trees have one choice of soil and that is sand.

Joe Herrmann
03-13-2013, 8:27 AM
Nice job and you did well getting the grain to match on all three boxes. What's the finish? Cherry is sometimes difficult to sand and to get a good finish on as it tends to blotch--you did well. Also, like Mike said, the sloped sides give the boxes a more interesting appearance.

Hayes Rutherford
03-13-2013, 9:19 AM
Thanks for looking and favorable comments. It's funny how the middle one with the knob looked good to me yesterday but this morning doesn't.

Mike, this cherry was roughed out, air dried about two years and not brittle at all.

Joe, the finish is bees wax applied directly then melted in with a rag.

charlie knighton
03-13-2013, 9:23 AM
very nice Hayes, like the 1st one, very subtle curve

bob svoboda
03-13-2013, 10:12 AM
Very nice array of boxes. Be careful doing business across the state line:cool:

Jon Nuckles
03-13-2013, 4:55 PM
If the Washington market is fruitful, you can expand to Colorado as well. I assume beeswax is a weed-friendly finish?

03-13-2013, 5:09 PM
Excellent job! Nice looking wood and a perfect execution. Never heard of taxes making anything better though.