View Full Version : Mineral oil on reference book. HELP!!

Joe Tonich
05-08-2003, 8:01 PM
I'm cleaning out my shop and found my bf. tables book, "The Lumbermen's Timesaver", soaked in Mineral oil. The cap was on but apparently not tight enough. Is it possible to get the oil out of the pages? Would soaking it in alcohol work? If not, does anyone know where I could get a replacement? It tells how many bf. from 1-50 boards at the diff. lengths and widths and thicknesses. 4/4 to 8"x8". Really comes in handy.

The book (pamphlet) is:

"The Lumbermen's Timesaver"

It's published by:

J.W. Giellis
2818 Hedley Ct.
Dubuque, Iowa

Copyright 1922, 1949

I did a search on GOOGLE and ALL THE WEB and couldn't find anything but a "Reference" page.
Any help would definitely be appreciated.



Bob Lasley
05-09-2003, 9:30 AM

I can't help you with that particular pamphlet, but go by that Woodcraft store you are on such good terms with now and ask them for one of there free lumber calculators. It figures up to 16" x 16" x 24'.


Mac McAtee
05-09-2003, 10:13 AM
Do a search for book restoration services and see what you come up with. I have no doubt that there is some kind of solvent bath that it could be put in to remove the oil and not dammage the book.