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Lionel Mercier
03-10-2013, 11:25 AM
Vintage Woods
This is from a piece of spalted beech, has number of cracks I didn't know the extent.
I did try to turn "something" as big as possible in the bit I had available.
In order to strenghten the cracks, I glued butterflies made out gorse that I had cut a long time ago somewhere on shore the Mediterranean Sea. The collar is a ring of coconut
The edge came "as it came" :D I wanted to respect his deformity and I was lucky not to have broken
11" long x 8 1/4 wide x 4 1/2 high , danish oil
Comments welcome

Jerry Marcantel
03-10-2013, 11:44 AM
That's another "Wow", Lionel.... Good looking piece....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Bernie Weishapl
03-10-2013, 12:02 PM
I agree. Wow and beautiful.

jwjerry w kowalski
03-10-2013, 12:10 PM
Lionel, that's an original style that I really like, the butterflys look well fit and tight, I tried that before and know how hard it is to do, I wasn't too satisfied with mine, but yours look great.

Allan Ferguson
03-10-2013, 5:18 PM
I will pass on making one like it. But I do like it.

charlie knighton
03-10-2013, 9:53 PM
good um, Lionel