View Full Version : Mark Norman concrete lathe update

David DeCristoforo
03-04-2013, 5:21 PM
It looks like the Mark Norman concrete lathe is going to be re-named the "Vic_Mark Norman" lathe. My homemade outboard tool rest ended up not working out very well. A huge pain to adjust, almost impossible to get locked down and not nearly rigid enough. I've been pondering a way to refine it or make another but today I came into this little beauty:


This thing is going to be very easy to mount on the "Norman" lathe and it's a serious heavy duty unit. Just the post (1.5" solid steel) weighs more that my entire homemade unit. Of course, it's going to need a paint job!

charlie knighton
03-04-2013, 5:35 PM
coming along, DD, i know you are having a sense of relief when difficulties are overcome, suggestion, make it look like a barber poll

Bob Bergstrom
03-04-2013, 6:14 PM
Sometimes it takes a few trials to get it right. It is going to great lathe and produce many great pieces. We just have to grit our teeth and work out the details. Remember " the Creek is with you". Enjoy the journey and experience of finishing a one of a kind lathe!:D

Harry Robinette
03-04-2013, 8:03 PM
Looks like your going to have it set-up good after this. Hope it works as good as it sounds.

Eric Gourieux
03-05-2013, 5:20 PM
It's interesting and timely that you posted this. I am looking into making an outboard tool rest for my lathe and was just studying your previous version. Looks like I'll do some more studying