View Full Version : Swenson's meet Bob Marino!

Per Swenson
05-06-2005, 6:50 PM
Hello Everybody,

My Father and I had the distinct pleasure of travelling
to Glen Ridge NJ today and meeting Sawmill creeks
own Bob Marino! Yes there is a exclamation point here.
Bob deserves it, he is one of those rare human beings
who is a genuinely great person.
He even let me into his house. Most people lock the doors

and call the cops. Thank goodness I called first.
Right off the bat, you feel like you have known him for years.
Just remarkable.
Now folks I want you to note the third picture here,
because bob built the fireplace surround behind us.
He wont admit it, but I will. It is professional quality
all the way. His whole house, even in the process of restoration
is just , I'm looking for words here, thoughtful and well done.
Nah, really,really nice sounds better. A lot of talent here folks.
Bob, you left a lasting impression and I am better for it.
Thank you

The old coot with Bob is my father Bob.
Bob n Bob, My two Bobs, I do not know
why I find this funny, but I am chuckling
even now.

Jim Becker
05-06-2005, 7:11 PM
"Nice Hat, Per!!" Yup...that's the Uncle Bob we all know and love! Looks just like he did the last time I saw him, but more relaxed. Strange, given the company...hee hee :D

And I've taken the liberty of adding to your avitar collection...;) And crisping up the one you're using now.

Jeff Sudmeier
05-06-2005, 7:16 PM
Per, congrats on the meeting! I am sure it was a pleasure all around.

The fireplace mantel is great looking!

Ray Bersch
05-06-2005, 8:20 PM
Well, there's ol' Jim with that great new avitar for Per - it's a good one - and I read Per's explanation of the avitar he posted - cool background - but the new avitar - well its really great and Per you should use it! 'course I don't trust nobody with facial hair - even those who live close. :rolleyes:

Christian Aufreiter
05-07-2005, 5:38 AM
All I can say is WOW! Meeting Bob must have been great fun for sure. Per, you can bet that I envy you the day with Bob.



Darren Ford
05-07-2005, 8:24 AM
Really nice work you are posing in front of.

I honestly cannot read the word on the cap, best I can make out is "FUGITIVE". I am assuming that is incorrect...

Mark Singer
05-07-2005, 8:37 AM
Its great to see you all together...Beautiful mantle! Bob Marino is a great crafstman and a terrific guy! He is wonderful to buy from....he is always there to help and is a fast responder to any questions. You guys all look great! I love that Per is still working with his dad.....I did the same for many years...that is something to treasure!

Per Swenson
05-07-2005, 8:49 AM
Darren thoughtfully wrote,"
I honestly cannot read the word on the cap, best I can make out is "FUGITIVE"."

Thanks Darren,

You have given me a wonderful Idea.
Swenson & Swenson will now offer custom built
Madam, of course you need one.
We will send our salesman over to explain why
you should not hesitate to take advantage of
our service.
We can even offer a full Mahogany bar inside,
So you can relax in comfort and security,
while waiting for the SWAT teams arrival.

Whaddaya Think?

Rich Konopka
05-07-2005, 8:50 AM
Hey Per,

Meeting Mr. Marino must of lightened your wallet a bit :D Come on spill the beans what did you come home with???

Kelly C. Hanna
05-07-2005, 9:41 AM
Nice pics Per....great fireplace Bob! I'll bet you guys had fun meeting.

Being that I live in the state with the most double names of all, I have to relate this story. A few years back my buddy Darrell (who we always rode about his 'other brother) introduced me to a couple of his relatives at a BBQ. The man's name was Jim Bob, his wife was Rae Bob and their son's name???? BOB BOB! I fought not to laugh out loud upon hearing this and meeting him, but when Darrell cracked up I lost control entirely. Robert Bob was his given name.

To this date I have never laughed harder at anyone's name, but I did chuckle reading your post. :D:D:D