View Full Version : Beads of Courage box (WIP - Now complete)

Jason Clark2
03-03-2013, 12:33 AM
We had a presentation from the Beads of Courage people back in January. This will be my contribution. Mahogany and Curly Eucalyptus with a (yet to be turned) African Blackwood knob. Turning is pretty much done other than the knob, mostly just sanding and finishing left. I've left a ring in the base that I'm thinking of making into 3 or 5 feet.

Brian Kent
03-03-2013, 12:57 AM
Please continue with the pictures as you go!

Jason Clark2
03-03-2013, 4:23 PM
I decided to redo the lid. They're supposed to be a loose fit because these go to little kids but the first lid was way too loose for my taste. I also turned the knob out of African Blackwood and have everything a good sanding and some oil. Now only the bottom is left.

Jerry Marcantel
03-03-2013, 4:33 PM
You're getting there Jason. I like the knob on the lid..... Jerry (in Tucson)

Richard Madden
03-03-2013, 6:03 PM
Nice looking box for a great cause!!

Timothy Mann
03-03-2013, 7:09 PM
Well done Jason, this is on my to do list in the near future. Cudos to you for doing this.

Harry Robinette
03-03-2013, 7:20 PM
Very nice really like the wood combo. Very nice box for a very deserving cause.

Jason Clark2
03-03-2013, 9:29 PM

I decided to change plans and go for a completely different base. I intended to carve some feet out of the wood I left behind but opted to turn it into an integral bead instead. This was much easier than carving feet and much faster too. I also think the shape of the bead echoes the rolled rim of the body. A vacuum chuck gives full access to the entire bottom.

Woods are Mahogany for the body, Curly Eucalyptus for the lid, and African Blackwood for the knob (2 piece).


Kathy Marshall
03-03-2013, 9:45 PM
Looks great Jason! That should make some little kid very happy and it looks like it will hold a large collection of beads! I still have to get mine turned.

Rodney Walker
03-04-2013, 1:49 PM
Very nice job.
How do you participate in the Beads of Courage program? It's something I'm very interested in doing.
Thank you,

bob svoboda
03-04-2013, 3:44 PM
Really nice project for a great cause. Well done, Jason.

Jason Clark2
03-04-2013, 3:47 PM
We're lucky because the headquarters is down in Tucson, just a couple hours south. We had a representative from the organization come to our January meeting and give a short presentation.

The guidelines are pretty straightforward:

We'll be collecting them from our members for the next couple of months and to encourage participation we'll have a raffle for all those that made a donation. I'm hoping that we can have a couple dozen members participate.


Michael Stafford
03-04-2013, 5:17 PM
Jason, a great looking box for a wonderful cause. Good job!

Timothy Mann
03-05-2013, 8:12 PM
Jason I have a question, I am going to start one tomorrow do you sign the bottom as you would on most things you make. Or would that be considered bad form?

Jason Clark2
03-05-2013, 8:30 PM
I haven't signed mine yet but I'm planning to sign my name, my Club's name, the date, and Beads of Courage.


Steve bellinger
03-05-2013, 9:41 PM
256230Jason that's a really cool box. When i made mine i signed it. Not sure if you remember it but here's a pic. i plan on making some more, just havn't had time lately. Need to make the time.

Rodney Walker
03-11-2013, 1:05 AM
Jason, thanks for the link. I have it saved to my bookmarks.