View Full Version : How Do I Process a Log into Turning Stock

Ronald Blue
03-02-2013, 9:58 AM
I have been toying with taking a mulberry tree down on my property because it's a nuisance. I am seeing turning wood but would like to know how to proceed before I ever start the chainsaw. I don't know how to develop blanks after I put it on the ground. I have searched and saw some lovely pieces made from mulberry. I was thinking maybe some of the smaller limbs could become pen blanks also. So I need guidance...lot's and lot's of it. Thanks in advance.

Peter Blair
03-02-2013, 10:53 AM
Hey Ronald. There are lots and lots of ways to process a log. Most depends on what you plan to make with it.
Splitting and checking are major problems but all the information, and there is soooooo much of it out there.
IMHO you would be better searching the net for videos etc.
Try searching for "from log to bowl" it you are planning on preparing it for bowls this search will give you lots of ideas.

Anthony Diodati
03-02-2013, 6:34 PM
here is a few on u tube, the 1st one was helpful 2 me, but I don't have logs that huge, but the idea is the same.
I didn't watch the 2nd one, but I am going to.
there are several parts.

add http://www. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqEyeijOyCU) to these.



Ronald Blue
03-03-2013, 3:51 PM
Interesting videos. My tree isn't nearly so large but the same principles will apply I am sure. Thanks for the links.