View Full Version : Info needed for Sakura or Scrollmate 21"

D Randall
02-26-2013, 7:37 AM
Design looks similar to a Hawk or Hegner. Anyone know anything? Current models are being sold under PSWoods brand. Looking for suggestions for what a used unit should be worth, as I am currently looking at purchasing a used Sakura branded saw.

Any info would be very helpful. IS the saw worth owning, and for how much $$?

david brum
02-26-2013, 9:10 AM
I will admit up front that I don't know much about scroll saws. I do have insomnia though, so I looked up some reviews and comments. The saw seems pretty well regarded and you can still get parts. Most of the reviewers said that they would rather have a Dewalt for similar new saw money, for what that's worth. Acceptable used prices seem to be $75-$125. If it's an older model ( likely if it's labelled Sakura) you might need to buy a quick blade changer, which runs about $70.

Scroll saws don't seem to carry much value when sold used. I think that many are purchased toward the end of woodworker's careers and never see much use. A quick look at my local craigslist shows a Hegner with stand for $125. Higher prices scroll saws seem to stay on craigslist forever.

D Randall
02-26-2013, 8:40 PM
Thanks for the input. I agree about the market for such tools and think that's why there's so little information about these says, much less much of a used market (online anyway) for good saws in general. We've got a Hegner listed locally at $750. He may never get that, but that's where it's starting at. Way out of my range. I'd buy a new Dewalt before that.

Anyway, the Sakura is listed around $150. We'll see what happens.

If anyone else has input, please chime in!