View Full Version : *prevent* pitch buildup

John Piwaron
02-25-2013, 1:26 PM
Is there any way to prevent the build up of pitch/resin on a cutting tool? I've seen plenty of advise and methods for removal after the work is done, but what about during? I just completed a set of slots made with a 1/2" end mill. The end mill was building up a pretty good coating of pitch on it. I had to stop and clean it off before finishing.

Is there anything to use on a cutting tool that would prevent or at least slow down the build up of pitch?

Dick Mahany
02-25-2013, 1:32 PM
I've used Bostik Dri Cote with some success on table saw and band saw blades. Never tried it on a router or milling bit though. It was relatively expensive, and when I run out of it, I doubt that I would buy it again.

John Piwaron
02-25-2013, 2:36 PM
thanks. I can try that, if the cost isn't "over the moon."

Tom Esh
02-25-2013, 8:36 PM
I've used the Bostik on twist drills. Really helped clear the chips & avoid overheating on some deep bores. Only caveat is it has a distinctly unpleasant STINK (like burning rubber) until it dries. I'd avoid applying it indoors unless you've got an exhaust fan or vent hood.

Donny Lawson
02-25-2013, 8:53 PM
Try some "Pam" nonstick spray. I tried it on my bandsaw blade and it worked for me.