View Full Version : Moving 4" hose from tool to tool...

Troy Turner
02-25-2013, 12:43 PM
So is there a better way other than what Rockler has? http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=30200

Would it be worth getting some fittings from the hardware store and clamping them each time? I see that as being a pain. I just do this as a hobby, but every now and then, a little convenience is nice ;)

Thanks for any suggestions.


John Lanciani
02-25-2013, 12:56 PM
I use these; http://www.amazon.com/Quick-Disconnect-Dust-Extraction-Fitting/dp/B0035Y5L0C/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1361814909&sr=8-11&keywords=4%22+dust+collection+quick+disconnect

Screw it into your hose and it friction fits on most 4" machine ports.

Larry Browning
02-25-2013, 1:13 PM
I use these; http://www.amazon.com/Quick-Disconnect-Dust-Extraction-Fitting/dp/B0035Y5L0C/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1361814909&sr=8-11&keywords=4%22+dust+collection+quick+disconnect

Screw it into your hose and it friction fits on most 4" machine ports.

I have one of those, but I had trouble with the hose staying screwed on.

I found these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000DD23N/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and the clamp keeps the hose on better plus it is a bit cheaper and free shipping. The friction fit works pretty well, goes on and off pretty easy, yet seems to stay in place when you want it to.

Bernie LeBlanc
02-25-2013, 7:14 PM
I use the Rockler set up and I think it works nicely for what's it's designed to do. My workshop has low ceilings and is a 24 X 24 space and that long hose works fine. I wish I could have tubing set up on the walls, but I dug out my space from under my barn and the walls are made of huge stones - so I need to be happy with the hose.

The only other set up option I chose is a remote start for my dc, otherwise it would be to hard to walk back and forth to start it when I need it. I'm happy with my set up.

Sam Murdoch
02-25-2013, 10:31 PM
I use the Rockler stuff too and I jump back and forth with no issues. Do it every day. Can't imagine better without having hard connections at each machine. Only thing I would add is that if you buy their expanding hose get longer than you intend to reach. If it says 12' you will get just that only by pulling it out to the max.

Troy Turner
02-26-2013, 8:41 AM
Thanks for the info ya'll. I don't need any hose, yet...when I bought it, the guy threw in about 30 feet and a couple of ys and blast gates. I may get the handle and see what will hook up to PVC. I only really need 3 parts to get me going. A 4" inlet on the t/s, a 4" to 2 1/2" reducer for everything else, then the handle for convenience :)

Ole Anderson
02-26-2013, 9:21 AM
I have a central hard duct DC system and still use the Rockler quick connects and slinky hose to connect to my BS, jointer, planer, DP and router table. Plus I can use the stretch hose as a vac to pick up stray chips. Only my MS and my TS top and bottom connections are not quick connects. Here the blast gate for the planer and jointer is right next to the on-off switch for the jointer. Closing the blast gate is as easy as punching the STOP switch.

Michael Heffernan
02-26-2013, 1:51 PM
I use the Fazlok system from Woodworker's Supply.
There's a positive twist lock. If you stretch your hose too much, some of the other quick connect fittings can come loose. These stay put.