View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
02-25-2013, 10:23 AM
25 Feb 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
I've been helping my youngest son get his motorcycle fixed up and ready to do some riding this year. I'm also working on plans for a motorcycle senior trip with my #2 son who will be graduating this year. It will be interesting to ride from here to the East Coast so my son can see and swim in the Atlantic. The current plans are to ride to or very near Savannah, GA, hang out around there for a day or two and then ride back through South Carolina, Tennessee, and back home to Arkansas. I think my body will wish it was a shorter trip, but it will be a memory that my son and I will never forget.

No woodworking for me from this past weekend. I've been getting things done around the house that I've been neglecting for a long time and Thank to Mark Cothren for coming over and helping me finish up a bowl that I had started. This bowl is a replacement for one I gave to a lady friend of my family who later lost all she had in a local tornado. So thanks to Mark for teaching me somethings about sanding bowls that I hadn't considered or just too much of a perfectionist to let things go. :)

That's it for me....so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Doug Richardson
02-25-2013, 10:31 AM
Spent a little time cleaning up my dad's 1949 King-Seeley 12" band saw, putting it back in useable condition. Only one of his "power tools" that I have left. Also wired an outlet for my new jointer. I was going to set the infeed/outfeed tables on the base, but my help had to cancel, so I'll be doing this this evening.....

Bill Wyko
02-25-2013, 11:02 AM
Got the legs and stretchers built for my new workbench. Built it out of doubled up 8/4 curly Maple. I'm building a bench design similar to Lon Schleining's bench. I have the Veritas twins going on the end and the Veritas QR bench front vise on the left front. I'll be using Curly Maple for the base, hard maple for the table top and along the front and for the vise faces, 8/4 & 16/4 Bubinga. She ought to be a beauty. I'll post a build of it when I'm done.

Matt Meiser
02-25-2013, 11:15 AM
Never made it out to my shop the whole weekend. Friday afternoon I left early to drop LOML, LOMLjr and LOMLjr's friend off at a movie and went to Woodcraft for some browsing, then after dinner came home and worked a few more hours. Saturday closed on a refi and did some pre-shopping for new living room furniture (upholstered, not wood) and found out that about the best deal we'd get on La-Z-Boy at the local place was this weekend so we checked our other options to make sure that's what we wanted to do. La-Z-Boy is a local company (and just announce a major investment in a new headquarters to stay) and we have several friends who work there so that's our first choice. In the evening tried our hand at homemade pasta which was time consuming but excellent. Sunday I told LOMLjr she could choose what we did so ended up at the mall...er..."Outdoor Lifestyle Center." I did get to stop at Harbor Freight on the way. The stuff hit the fan on a project at work that I wasn't involved in but am getting dragged into so I ended up on a phone call, responding to numerous emails, and then on a web meeting before the day was over. Also had to stop back at the bank to fix one mis-signed document he caught in review on Sunday and drop off the closing cost/interest check he forgot to ask us for at close.

David Hostetler
02-25-2013, 12:16 PM
Finally got to do a little teeny tiny bit of shop time this weekend. I conned LOML into cleaning out her nightstand drawer so I could take it into the shop and reattach a brace that came loose on the bottom. 2 pins and a generous amount of glue later and it's in clamps. I need to take it out today and reinstall it...

I spent a couple of hours yesterday tracing Ethernet and Coaxial cables through my attic after DirecTV knocked 1 of my rooms and 3 of my ethernet ports offline during the last repair call. Looks like the repair guy stepped on a cable bundle, right before they went down through the wall header into the office. 3 of the keystones were pulled loose... He had intentionally disconnected the unused rooms which is fine, but left nearly 100' of coax just strewn willy nilly in my attic.

I rolled out 2 more rolls of R30 in the attic, and rearranged the attic storage above the home office... What a mess that place was!

Come to think of it. I spent a TON of time in the attic this weekend!

Mike Wilkins
02-25-2013, 1:50 PM
Not much in the shop this weekend. Went to Raleigh to meet the daughters to celebrate my 58 years on this planet, which was Friday. Got a nice gift card for JRCigars so I can indulge in my other past time. Back in the shop on Sunday night to put a coat of poly on a frame I made to mount the FWW print of the Studley tool chest on the shop wall. Amazing use of space in such a small footprint in the print. Should inspire hopes of perfection on future projects (wishful thinking).

Alan Bienlein
02-25-2013, 3:31 PM
I finished assembling a cabinet for my daughter and got one coat of oil on it. Then I got started on building my home made Domino!

Joe Shinall
02-25-2013, 8:13 PM
Friday we finished the air compressor room outside my shop and got that 600 pound behemoth moved in there and wired up. Freed up 25 valuable square feet in the shop. Just need to run the lines now.

My dad came by Sunday and helped me put on the Shelix cutterhead for the grizzly 15" planer I bought 3 years ago and never used. Cleaned it up and tuned it and did the same to the jointer I bought at the same time (just tune and clean, no shelix head :( ). Played with them some on some pine 2x4's and got some nice square lumber.

Shawn Pixley
02-25-2013, 10:14 PM
SWMBO had the responsibility of cleaning out the jewelry making shop preparatory to a renovation, so I was a bachelor for the weekend. Dog park both days. Taught dear son how to veneer on top of a guitar he is refinishing. The got "voluntold" to add locks to a display case. Wouldn't have been bad if it had been well made in the first place. It "almost" made me want to rebuild it. If it was for LOML, I would have.