View Full Version : Bosch 1617ES Router Died

Al Weber
02-23-2013, 2:17 PM
I tried to use my Bosch 1617ES today and it is dead. I thought I had once heard that the model had some switch problems but blowing the switch out with compressed air had no effect and I can't locate any information to confirm that. Is there a known problem with the switches on that router? If not, what is the preferred replacement router these days. I haven't been following reviews on new equipment but I need a router for both in table and hand held use.

johnny means
02-23-2013, 2:39 PM
First thing I would try is by-passing the switch to see if that really is your problem.

Ronald Blue
02-23-2013, 4:56 PM
Mine stopped a couple years ago and the on off switch was the culprit. I took it apart and cleaned/blew it out and all is well again. Check for power in and out of it but I am guessing that is the problem.

Randy Rizzo
02-23-2013, 5:14 PM
Had two problems with mine. First the switch, repaired under warranty. The second time was a broken wire just at the strain relief. The broken wire took some time to figure out. It would run In brief spurts, finally noticed when the cord was jiggled it would make or break the electrical connection. I did a Rube Goldberg fix on the cord and just recently had it replaced at Bosch's service center in Addison

Jim Stewart
02-23-2013, 6:02 PM
I called Bosch customer service and they sent me a dust-proof version of the switch which they now use.

Chris Merriam
02-23-2013, 6:32 PM
I took my switch apart and could see a black spot on one of the copper contact points. Some rubbing with an eraser cleared it up and everything runs fine now.