View Full Version : Retraction re: Toothing Your Bench

Stanley Covington
02-20-2013, 12:26 AM
This is a retraction of an error in my first post in the recent "Toothing Your Bench" thread.

The workbench finishing concoction I referred to as Snake Oil Liniment comprised of BLO and beeswax combined in a double boiler was not suggested in Christopher Schwarz's book The Anarchist's Toolchest, but in Scott Landis's book The Workbench. I made this statement in error and refute it unconditionally.

Rereading the thread, I am shocked at the harshness of my criticism of Mr. Schwarz and the tenor of the words I used in several of my posts. He is not a "snake oil salesman" peddling untruths. Contrary to the implication in my use of Mark Twain's quote, I believe Mr. Schwarz to be a talented writer. It was wrong of me to suggest otherwise.

I regret my factual error, and the extreme expressions I used. I apologize to Mr. Schwarz and to those that read my posts.


Stan Covington

Charlie Stanford
02-20-2013, 7:22 AM
That might be premature. I'm pretty sure Schwarz has recommended something similar along the way.

Edit: Apparently just BLO, score one for Chris:

Rule No. 9: No Fancy Finishes
When finishing a workbench, less is more. A shiny film finish allows your work to scoot all over the bench. And a film finish will crack when struck by a hammer or dead-blow mallet. Choose a finish that is easy to apply, offers some protection and doesn’t build up a thick film. I like an oil/varnish blend (sold as Danish Oil), or just boiled linseed oil.

In a photo caption he states "two coats only." Makes sense.

Sean Hughto
02-20-2013, 8:53 AM
Perhaps you could come up with a woodworking esoterica quiz? It could be used as a tool to quickly ID acceptable sources based upon whether their subjective preferences match yours.

george wilson
02-20-2013, 9:16 AM
Stanley is to be commended for admitting his mistake and apologizing. A lot of people will never do that. The thread did really get out of hand,though.

Chris Griggs
02-20-2013, 9:24 AM
Stanley. Being a Japanophile, you should shave your head as an act or contrition (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21299324).

Or is that practice N/A for a man of your, ahem, maturity :p

....sorry couldn't resit. Of course, in all seriousness I agree with George. I think it was good of you to post this.

Mel Fulks
02-20-2013, 9:36 AM
Some of our ideas are going to be less than great. Isaac Newton tried to turn lead to gold, said Harrison's chronometer wouldn't work ,and wasn't interested in sex. Some how he was still able to convince people he was smart,that takes genius.

Charlie Stanford
02-20-2013, 9:53 AM
Perhaps you could come up with a woodworking esoterica quiz? It could be used as a tool to quickly ID acceptable sources based upon whether their subjective preferences match yours.

Perhaps, Sean. Perhaps. For now, I'd settle for a cool avatar like yours.

bob blakeborough
02-20-2013, 9:59 AM
Really, I am sorry to say this because I really appreciate everybody here and the knowledge they bring, but for the love of God I wish certain people (and there are definitely more than one of us) could tone down their arrogance and stop trying to one up everyone all the time with their level of skill vs those damn bloggers who only want our money. It really is growing old and I am afraid that it does nothing but scare many of the people new to woodworking who want to participate in a fun and informative forum but they would rather walk away feeling like anything they say is going to end up on the receiving end of you're self indulgent ranting.

Why can't we all just respect each other rather than absorbing the mob mentality against the victim du jour...

jamie shard
02-20-2013, 10:15 AM
February is the cruelest month.

Dave Anderson NH
02-20-2013, 10:36 AM
Thank you Stanley for your courageous act of contrition. As a semi-related aside, I have received a number of private messages from members concerned about the recent deterioration in the level of courtesy and tolerance for differing viewpoints in a wide variety of threads. I don't know whether it is a result of winter cabin fever or some other malady, but it needs to be toned down. One relatively new member PM'd me stating that the harsh and abrasive responses to various views in recent threads had him questioning whether this was the appropriate forum for him and whether it was even "safe" for him to post a question. While no one has quite gone over the line in recent threads, an increasing number of posts have pushed the edge of the envelope. Back it off people! I give fair warning that Mr. Nice guy moderator is on vacation and I will ruthlessly edit, delete, and when necessary remove both posts and threads. As a final solution I will suspend or remove people's privelege of posting and taking part on SMC.

Sean Hughto
02-20-2013, 10:56 AM
Yeah, silly avatars are definitely disqualifying too.

More seriously, have you ever made a wood framed mirror - a decnt sized one - say 2' x 3'? I'm going to be making one for a vanity table project I'm in the middle of, and while it seems pretty straight forward - rabated recess for galss and for the backer board - I wonder if you have any tips or caveats?

Charlie Stanford
02-20-2013, 11:37 AM
Nothing that big Sean. I made a Georgian dressing mirror stand several years ago as a gift - a project out of a Vic Taylor book. The mirror was held in by small beading. All I recall in particular is that nailing that beading in was a bear. I needed a magnetic brad pusher but was too stupid at the time to realize it.

Jim Koepke
02-20-2013, 12:08 PM
This is a retraction of an error in my first post in the recent "Toothing Your Bench" thread.

Sometimes the most courageous act of bravery is a simple apology.


Harold Burrell
02-20-2013, 12:15 PM
This is a retraction of an error in my first post in the recent "Toothing Your Bench" thread.

The workbench finishing concoction I referred to as Snake Oil Liniment comprised of BLO and beeswax combined in a double boiler was not suggested in Christopher Schwarz's book The Anarchist's Toolchest, but in Scott Landis's book The Workbench. I made this statement in error and refute it unconditionally.

Rereading the thread, I am shocked at the harshness of my criticism of Mr. Schwarz and the tenor of the words I used in several of my posts. He is not a "snake oil salesman" peddling untruths. Contrary to the implication in my use of Mark Twain's quote, I believe Mr. Schwarz to be a talented writer. It was wrong of me to suggest otherwise.

I regret my factual error, and the extreme expressions I used. I apologize to Mr. Schwarz and to those that read my posts.


Stan Covington

Yeah, silly avatars are definitely disqualifying too.

More seriously, have you ever made a wood framed mirror...

I love this forum. It can be so...random.

Pat Barry
02-20-2013, 1:35 PM
Sometimes it seems there are more disparate opinions here than if you put MSN, FOX, and CNN on-air personalities altogether for a debate.

Paul McGaha
02-20-2013, 1:53 PM
Good of you to retract your statement Stanley.

Takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. A lot of people, too many, don't bother.


bob blakeborough
02-20-2013, 2:36 PM
Thank you Stanley for your courageous act of contrition. As a semi-related aside, I have received a number of private messages from members concerned about the recent deterioration in the level of courtesy and tolerance for differing viewpoints in a wide variety of threads. I don't know whether it is a result of winter cabin fever or some other malady, but it needs to be toned down. One relatively new member PM'd me stating that the harsh and abrasive responses to various views in recent threads had him questioning whether this was the appropriate forum for him and whether it was even "safe" for him to post a question. While no one has quite gone over the line in recent threads, an increasing number of posts have pushed the edge of the envelope. Back it off people! I give fair warning that Mr. Nice guy moderator is on vacation and I will ruthlessly edit, delete, and when necessary remove both posts and threads. As a final solution I will suspend or remove people's privelege of posting and taking part on SMC.

Thanks for stepping in Dave...

You have one of the most thankless jobs out there in the forum game. You hear all the complaints when people are unhappy yet rarely get any of the credit when things are good. I am not ashamed to admit that I am one of those who has been less than pleased lately with the tone of things, but I also have to admit that I do very much appreciate everyone's useful contributions. If everyone could just take a step back and think a second before posting when things may be just a bit heated or controversial, it might go a long way to making this a more enjoyable learning experience for all!

Much respect to all,


Danny Thompson
02-20-2013, 9:45 PM
Class move, Stanley.

It is easy to treat the forum like the water cooler, where 100% accuracy isn't absolutely necessary, and a heated or even overblown opinion is no big deal. I constantly have to remind myself that anything I post anywhere on the web or even text on my phone will be part of the public record in perpetuity. It's a strange new world we live in.