View Full Version : Drill Chuck Question

Raymond Fries
02-19-2013, 12:39 PM
I want to get a tailstock chuck for my Jet lathe which is MT2. Turns out my Jet drill press is also MT2. I can easily use the same chuck for both machines but wondering if the constant changing will cause excess wear on the drill press spindle. Does this plan sound OK, or, should I just get a new chuck for the lathe. I have a small shop and always looking to save space where I can.

Thanks for your thoughts?

Dick Mahany
02-19-2013, 1:07 PM
The key to Morse tapers is keeping them CLEAN, both in the spindle and the chuck. As long as you keep this in mind, you should easily be able to do what you want. I routinely change out a number of MT2 chucks / tools and the only time I had a problem was when the internal taper got dirty. Taper cleaners are readily available.

Ryan Baker
02-19-2013, 10:14 PM
Get another chuck. Once the chuck is in the drill press well, you are better off leaving it there. For the $30 it takes for a lathe chuck and taper spindle, it isn't worth the effort or trouble. You don't need a high quality chuck for a lathe tailstock.

Charles Bjorgen
02-20-2013, 6:56 AM
You're better off with a separate chuck for your lathe. Here's the one I have used for several years: