View Full Version : finial DVD?

Greg Bender
02-17-2013, 1:04 PM
Is the Cindy Drozda Finial DVD still floating around? Been watching for it to come available but I had not noticed it in awhile and was wondering.

Roger Chandler
02-17-2013, 1:29 PM
I was wondering the same thing yesterday, Greg. I have already watched it and passed it on over a year ago, but have not seen it in circulation recently......not the finial star DVD either, which I also watched..........maybe someone forgot to send it along and will see this........

The mobil library was a great idea, and thanks to JK and others who may have put these in circulation!

Dan Hintz
02-17-2013, 2:06 PM
Sorry, guys, it's in my possession... it became buried under a pile of work and temporarily "lost", so I just dug it out a few days ago. I'll throw it in the player in the next few days and then offer it back up to the masses.