View Full Version : MontanaFest!

Lee Grindinger
05-04-2005, 1:37 PM
Hello Sawmillers!

You are all personally invited to MontanaFest!

Take a look at www.MontanaFest.com (http://www.montanafest.com) for more information. Montanafest is a festival for woodworkers of all sorts from all forums. If anyone here has a particular speciality they would like to share let me know, I'm looking for people to lead workshops.

I know many of you and it would be great to see you for this festival.

Mods, let me know if I've broken any rules with this post, I'm just trying to get the word out.


Ken Salisbury
05-05-2005, 6:43 AM
Mods, let me know if I've broken any rules with this post, I'm just trying to get the word out.




Lee Grindinger
05-05-2005, 12:06 PM
Thanks Ken, good to see you again...

For everyone,

Here's a list of MontanaFest attendees so far, I'm adding to the list as names come in.

www.montanafest/montanafestguestlist.html (http://www.montanafest/montanafestguestlist.html)

Newest workshops include Sam simpson, a restoration guru doing a workshop on wood finishing and Joe Johns doing one on tuning a table saw.

Check it out, folks, it's going to be quite a festival.
