View Full Version : peppermills

Harvey M. Taylor
02-15-2013, 11:51 AM
what is the most popular size peppermills you make? I am trying to reduce my inventory of kits.Thanks for any information, Max

Jim Burr
02-15-2013, 11:55 AM
6-8" and 12" do well for me.

John King
02-15-2013, 12:01 PM
10" for most customers. 8" for the more cost conscious customer. Same wood. Same grinding mechanism. - John

Dan Forman
02-15-2013, 2:11 PM
If you want to reduce stock of kits, get the tallest you want to make, then cut them down for smaller ones. It's very simple, and the added benefit is you don't have to be so careful about sizing your mill to fit the mechanism, just turn the mill and size the kit. Don't know if the crush grind mechanism works the same way, but you can do this with the standard kits. I don't make them for sale, but some folks say smaller mills that fit easily into cupboards are more popular than taller ones that don't, but that might vary by location too.
