View Full Version : Six Inch Flex Over Six Inch Pipe

Brian Brightwell
02-14-2013, 11:40 PM
Here is the easiest way I have found to get the wire out and the hose over the pipe.

Cut the wire with one of these. It is very tough with wire cutters or a hack saw.

Cut the plastic away from the wire from the inside. About an inch will do.

Rip the wire out from the inside. The plastic is thinner on the inside and the wire will pull through the material.

The plastic now will now pull over the pipe without much struggle.

My contraption to connect from the bottom of the cyclone to dust drum. I used 6 inch pipe and split it down to 5 inch because that's what I had.

Chris Padilla
02-15-2013, 4:00 PM
I love that style of hose clamp for these hoses. I think I got mine from Lee Valley. Your shop appears packed with a lot of stuff!!