View Full Version : Hollow form au naturel

Josh Bowman
02-12-2013, 3:28 PM
This square block of wood the president of our club gave me intrigued me for some time. It had holes going every which a way. I just couldn't get my mind around it, so I just chucked it up one day and stated turning. This thing kept me on my toes worrying about the integrity of the wood. I tried to keep aware of the web bridges being cut loose. This is a far as I dared go. I envisioned hollowing it, but don't think it would stay together when the holes in the Swiss cheese lines up literally! So per my wifes request, I just drilled a hole in the top as a foe hole if you will. I may enlarge the hole and drill it deeper after I look at it for a few days.
It's not sanded all the way yet, but does have walnut oil on it. It's about 10" high and 6" wide at the shoulders.
I'd love some C&C on it, I'm not sure if I like it or not, most times I walk in and like it other times not sure. What do you think, firewood or gallery:D

Montgomery Scott
02-12-2013, 3:32 PM
I would say firewood, but considering some of the "art" I've seen in galleries, e.g. a dead fly in a styrofoam cup, I'm sure it could compete in those galleries.

Ted Calver
02-12-2013, 3:49 PM
Holy mackerel. I think a hole in the top makes it a cool weed pot.

Chip Sutherland
02-12-2013, 4:18 PM
Cool piece. Looks like an old peg/mortise hole from a beam. It definitely won't hold water so by that definition is is 'art'. I think a whole in the top and a glass tube making it a weed pot would make for an interesting conversation piece. Gnarly pieces are always eye-catchers.

Allan Ferguson
02-12-2013, 4:42 PM
I like it. Would consider removing the foot. Do NOT burn it.

Faust M. Ruggiero
02-12-2013, 5:58 PM
It looks like it was shot by Fearless Fosdik. I like a turning that is really unique and this one fits that description. It may not win an art contest or...it may.

Josh Bowman
02-12-2013, 8:29 PM
It looks like it was shot by Fearless Fosdik
I like that name.....Fearless Fosdik

Harry Robinette
02-12-2013, 9:43 PM
I think Chip S has the idea if you could put a hole even use a large forstner bit and then a glass tube. I really like the piece itself it almost past narly.

Bob Rotche
02-14-2013, 10:36 AM
As I mentioned over on Woodturners Unlimited, I think this piece has great potential if you hollowed it. I think there is enough solid wood to make that a reasonable proposition. Could wrap it with plastic wrap to minimize risk in case of a mishap. I actually really enjoy turning wood with voids though if you're not comfortable with this one, better wait for one a bit less challenging.

Bernie Weishapl
02-14-2013, 11:15 AM
I agree with Bob. I would hollow it. If it looked like it may have problems then I would wrap it with plastic kitchen wrap. It looks solid enough I would definitely give it a go. If you don't feel it I would leave as is except I might take the foot off. Definitely don't burn it.