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View Full Version : nylon roller source?

Michael Arruda
02-10-2013, 4:40 PM
I've been working with a Redsail m500 laser for a little while now and am having an issue with wavy straight lines. I was looking at a mechanical source when I found the nylon rollers that ride the extruded aluminum rails are worn and chipped on the edges. I think this is leading to the issue I'm seeing.

Does anyone know where I can source the rollers? The bearing are in good shape - I plan to do a good oil soak before reinsrall to flush any contaminates.
So, it's dead in the water. Any ideas?

Thanks! -Michael

walter hofmann
02-10-2013, 4:51 PM
Hi michael
I make my own, because all what you can buy is just cheap staff but I got a K40 .
you could try ask redsail if they can send you a replacement. how many bearings ar in each roller???
In most K40 I dont know the redsail they have just one bearing in it I allways put two in it this prevents the roller from kinking

Michael Arruda
02-10-2013, 8:05 PM
The rollers in the Redsail laser have 2 bearings each. They are shielded one side and open on the inside with a brass washer spacing them apart. I was hoping there would be an easier solution to the rollers than making new. What I'd like to do is replace this horrible carriage system with Thompson linear rail slides, but it's not my laser or money, so I have to make it work...


Steven Cox
02-10-2013, 10:53 PM
Hey Michael, I don't have a Redsail so I've got no idea what they look like in your case. So, if you can post up a pic with some dimensions then maybe someone here might be able to point you in the right direction.

Regards Steve.

Rich Harman
02-10-2013, 11:59 PM
I have dozens of Delrin rollers used in another type of CNC machine. It's a long shot but post up the dimensions, maybe they will work...

Michael Arruda
02-11-2013, 12:48 AM
If you have these or something oversize that could be cut down, please let me know.

Thank you!

Rich Harman
02-12-2013, 3:54 AM
The rollers I have are about twice the size and have beveled edges.

Ken Murphy
10-15-2013, 5:33 PM
Hello Michael I have just recently purchased a X700 Redsail and having the same problem. They are shipping me new rollers which should be here in the next couple of days.
When you replaced the rollers did it fix the problem?