View Full Version : trying to commission wooden filing cabinets for comic books

Eduardo Torres
02-10-2013, 11:48 AM
Hi everyone. This is my first post here and I do it with a bit of trepidation because I don't know if I'm in the right forum. I'm not a woodworker. I'm actually looking for a woodworker. I did read the FAQ's so I think I can post this request, but just to be safe I won't post any links to anything.

I'm looking for someone who can build (cherry) wooden filing cabinets for comic books. I tried having it done with someone a while back but after months of non-responses and "problems with his suppliers" I've decided to try it with someone else. This seems like the place to find that someone else.

I can provide lots more specs and photos.

Or if I'm posting this in the wrong place, please accept my apologies. You all sound like a great group.
