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View Full Version : OT - Heart-warming Story

Howard Rosenberg
05-03-2005, 4:44 PM
I visited a client this morning. As I started to walk through the parking lot, I saw a goose leading her five goslings.

Man, are these little guys cute with their fuzzy little feathers sticking up everywhere.

I stopped to watch as they walked up the grass to the edge of the sidewalk. The mother stopped at the edge while the goslings stopped and waited behind her.

A lady walking on the sidewalk understood what the goose was trying to accomplish and went out into the street to stop all the cars.

As soon as crossing the street was safe, the goose set off with the goslings behind her. It was so cute to watch these little guys make their way up over the curb. The last two tried a few times and then finally got it.

I turned to the lady and said (shades of my Pa's voice coming out through me) that only another mother would have understood what the goose needed....

Sure put a grin on my face for the next few hours.


Alan Tolchinsky
05-03-2005, 5:15 PM
I hear you Howard. It's nice to stop and smell the roses sometimes or watch those cute little baby birds. Nice story!

Glen Blanchard
05-03-2005, 5:26 PM
Sure put a grin on my face for the next few hours.


This story put a smile on my face as well. Thanks for brightening my day! ;)

John Hart
05-03-2005, 5:26 PM
nice story Howard....saw the whole thing in my mind's eye:)

Ron Jones near Indy
05-03-2005, 8:43 PM
Neat story Howard. Thanks for sharing! :)

John Shuk
05-03-2005, 8:49 PM
Sorry to say this but as a father of two very young kids I don't find geeses that heartwarming anymore. They have risen to nuisance levels around here and my kids can't even play at alot of the parks anymore due to the "Byproducts" they leave everywhere. It isn't so much the fault of the geese as irresponsible people who feed them but nonetheless they are there.

Steven Wilson
05-04-2005, 10:11 AM
You should drop buy my office. The geese traveling through like to spend some time in an auxillary parking lot and act as if they own the place. One goose likes to attack cars as they enter or leave the property. It's kind of funny watching a goose take on a Suburban.

Bill Lewis
05-04-2005, 10:22 AM
You should see'm when they start eating the fermenting crabapples as they fall from the trees here at work. You get a bunch of drunk geese fight'n over'm.

You know, I can kind of see how baby gees can pull at your heartstrings, but I'm with John and Steven. They grow up.
For several years the place I work have been employing a trained border collie to harrass the geese. Something to the tune of $40k per year. It has helped quite a bit.