View Full Version : Wolverine Set-Up Class Hand-out

Harry Robinette
02-09-2013, 2:06 PM
This is the hand-out for the class I teach on the Wolverine sharpening system.This is my own way of setting it up that works well for me and gives the new students somewhere to start. I tell them all that it's my way and it may not work for them but it's a place to start. I thought it mite help some of the guy's or gal's here on the Creek.253861253862

Matt Mackinnon
02-09-2013, 2:38 PM
Thanks for the handouts. It's always good to have a reference starting point from something that works. The biggest bonus of the wolverine jig is it's repeatable. The down side is it's adjustable so that you can grind your tools so they simply don't work. So if you don't have them setup right you get a repeatable bad grind.

Brian Kent
02-09-2013, 3:08 PM
I appreciate all of your handouts. Good teaching tools.

Harry Robinette
02-09-2013, 8:56 PM
Sorry I don't know were the attachment came from.
Matt: Just remember this is how I do it,If it works for you great if it give you a starting point great,but always remember the grind has to fit you and your turning and how you use the tool.
Brian: I'll put some more on later.

Lori Kleinberg
02-09-2013, 9:03 PM
Thanks Harry, I also appreciate having a starting point.

Peter Fabricius
02-09-2013, 9:10 PM
for those working on finding their special set up for the Wolverine Jig, take a look at the set up used by Dave in the D-Way videos. He is very precise including the measurement from the pocket to the stone(wheel). 7.25 inches.
Dave does a great job of showing how he grinds his tools.
Peter F.

Thomas Canfield
02-09-2013, 9:54 PM
Thanks Harry. Along with a starting point, it gives a repetitive set-up so that a consistent grind will be done. Jimmy Clewes said at a class the he uses the lenght of the pocket as his reference saying that it is always there and a block or other piece may not be available when he travels, but it is consistent.

Joe Scarfo
02-18-2013, 10:47 PM
I have been trying to load the file for future reference but can't seem to figure it out... :-(