View Full Version : Grizzly Strikes Again - UPDATE

Smith, David W.
02-08-2013, 7:24 AM
The unassembled air filter I received with the parts loose on the bottom of the case was returned as well as the washable inner filter I purchased. I am happy to report that a full refund has been received for both items including freight charges. I am surprised the refund went as easily as it did and I appreciate that very much.

Phil Thien
02-08-2013, 8:25 AM
For the record, it seems many manufacturers of air cleaners have had issues similar to what you experienced. I suspect many of these come from the same plant (just painted different colors). I've read lots of reports of unbalanced blowers, missing screws, etc.

But I had no doubt Grizzly would take care of it. I haven't ordered much from them, but they were very accommodating the one time I did have a problem.

John Fuda
02-08-2013, 9:04 AM
Glad to hear the refund went through easy. I received a G0572 air cleaner from them about 10 days ago. The squirell cages was mounted all crazy and didn't quite follow a smooth circular patter, but they had a little balance clip on it and it was quiet and moved plenty of air. If it's even a tiny bit out of level, though, it gets noisy. It's working for me right now and has made a huge difference in the shop (no more microdust settling on everything).