View Full Version : Baby Rattle

John Spitters
02-06-2013, 3:44 PM
Our presidents challenge this month for one of the turning clubs that I belong to was to turn either a yo-yo, baby rattle, or kaleidoscope. I chose to do the Baby Rattle as I wasn't about to go out and buy either a Yo-yo or kaleidoscope kit at the last minute (the meeting is tomorrow night) so I turned this last night.
I had remembered one that David D had turned a short while back so without looking up his post again I simply went about turning this piece, for the rattle sound I put in 4 popcorn kernels, this amount seemed to give the right effect. The finish is wipe on poly that has yet to be buffed.
The pen is there just as a size comparison. C & C Welcome

Allan Ferguson
02-06-2013, 7:26 PM
I like the wood choices and the shape.

Kathy Marshall
02-06-2013, 11:42 PM
Nice job John! Looks great!

Eric Gourieux
02-06-2013, 11:49 PM
Really nice job. I like the combination of woods, too. And, by the way, the pen is beautiful, too.

David Walser
02-07-2013, 4:22 PM
John - It's beautiful. It's also a choking hazard. Both the handle end and the rattle end need to be large enough that the little darlings can't cram the rattle down their throats and choke. IIRC, the recommended minimum diameter is 1 and 11/16". Nick Cook has an article on making a baby rattle on his website. He mentions the safety issue there.