View Full Version : Source needed for bandsaw door hinge

Nick Lazz
02-04-2013, 2:04 PM
I have a Laguna 14SE and the hinge on the top of upper door has been broke for over a year. I called Laguna and they wanted $40 for it....
Unbelievable...Anyway, it is a small plastic hinge. See picture here: http://prntscr.com/rka7m

Anyone know where I can find these or have a similar problem they fixed?
I can prob find something to work but figured I would ask here first.

Thanks for your help.


Erik Loza
02-04-2013, 2:15 PM
What about a standard metal hinge from the hardware store? Might not look the nicest and you might also have to drill a few holes for the bolts/screws but it's an inexpensive fix. Just my thoughts,

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Gus Dundon
02-04-2013, 2:50 PM
Hinge is kind of expensive. I think you should take the hinge on Laguna.

Nick Lazz
02-04-2013, 4:44 PM
Hinge is kind of expensive. I think you should take the hinge on Laguna.

I guess I don't understand your post... are you saying just buy the hinge from Laguna?
I'm not going to pay $40 for a plastic hinge that will probably break again. I've already spent my last $ there...but thanks for the suggestion.

Nick Lazz
02-04-2013, 4:46 PM
Yes, I figured I would end up doing just as you suggested, just thought I would see if anyone else had a similar problem and if they were able to find the same hinge elsewhere.
Thank you.

What about a standard metal hinge from the hardware store? Might not look the nicest and you might also have to drill a few holes for the bolts/screws but it's an inexpensive fix. Just my thoughts,

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Thomas Hotchkin
02-04-2013, 6:15 PM
Try www.mcmaster.com they have all kinds hinges. Tom