View Full Version : Winged Maple Burl Bowl

John Spitters
02-03-2013, 1:23 PM
I started this piece yesterday afternoon and finished turning it by about 7:00pm with a few breaks in between for a late lunch, Dinner and even a 1hr walk after dinner., honestly the breaks were needed as the stress level when turning a piece like this can be pretty intense at times and the breaks from turning can help to relax some of the muscle tension that builds while turning.
So 13" across from tip to tip, and 1 3/4"h.
Originally the intention was to turn a winged plate, no bowl. But as I got into the turning I felt that it would be such a waste to turn away all of that nice burl. So I started to try to add a bowl to the inside of the plate (this is with the wings turned up) but as I cut further in to the blank a large bark inclusion appeared which put a stop to that idea, now what to do? After some thought I decided to flip the piece over the wings would now be pointed down rather than up. Turned a new dovetail recess on what would now be the bottom so I could remount. and began to make what you now see.
C & C Welcome

P.S. I should add, I purposely made the bowl so that it would rest on it's bottom rather than on the wing tips, thought was that the wood would probably warp and if it was to rest on the wing tips it may not be stable.


Allan Ferguson
02-03-2013, 1:37 PM
A challenge met. Pretty piece.

Eric Holmquist
02-03-2013, 1:58 PM
I've played with smaller winged pieces, and appreciate how stressful it would be go a lot bigger like this and do so with a burl which can have all sorts of challenges of it's own. Well done!

Harry Robinette
02-03-2013, 10:43 PM
Very nice I like how deep the bowl is and the wings going down low.

Mike Cruz
02-03-2013, 11:22 PM
John, I can only imagine... I think it turned out really cool, and you made really nice use of the wood.

I hope you don't mind, but I just added a pic of that bowl to my "Future form to turn" folder...but I have some ideas of how I would make some changes. Not that I don't like what you did, rather, just using the idea of what you did for something I had already been thinking about. THANKS!

John Spitters
02-04-2013, 9:40 AM
Thanks Mike
Go ahead and borrow, Isn't that mostly what we all do.

I know that If I was to redo this piece there whould be changes as well, as was mentioned it initially was not intended to be this particular form, even when I made the final decision to go with this I still wanted to add a bead around the opening of the bowl but there simply wasn't enough wood left to do so.


Bob Bergstrom
02-04-2013, 9:52 AM
Really like the flow of the wings on this price. It give the appearance of water gushing out over the rim. Beautiful job of displaying a gorgeous pice of wood. I be that didn't come from the Rockler store. lOL

Peter Blair
02-04-2013, 10:40 AM
I really like this! If I could turn one just like it I wouldn't change a thing.