View Full Version : Planer knives Dewalt 734 source

Robert Willing
02-03-2013, 11:44 AM
Anyone have any experence with these planer knives http://www.infinitytools.com/HSS-Knives-For-DeWalt-734-Planer/productinfo/HSSK-039/? Are they as good as they claim? I purchase sanded red oak at 15/16 and plane it down to 3/4, but it seem that the planer knives get dinged and dull quickly from the hidden product left in the wood from the mills sanding process.

Mark Bolton
02-03-2013, 12:26 PM
Anyone have any experence with these planer knives http://www.infinitytools.com/HSS-Knives-For-DeWalt-734-Planer/productinfo/HSSK-039/? Are they as good as they claim? I purchase sanded red oak at 15/16 and plane it down to 3/4, but it seem that the planer knives get dinged and dull quickly from the hidden product left in the wood from the mills sanding process.

Can you not have them sand the material to your final thickness? No knives are going to handle that order of surfacing very well. If the material is reclaimed and thats why it needs to be sanded at your supplier rather than planed it would seem to be a wiser option (if possible) to stick with sanding.

Mel Fulks
02-03-2013, 12:54 PM
I read the knife description ,have no reason to doubt they are better than the standard product,but most of the improvement is probably just the thickness. Knives that name chrome as main additive are ,according to catalogues ,not the highest grade. The grit from sanding will quickly dull any kind of knives,especially on slow feed machines.I think I would only buy from a supplier that does not use abrasive planing or insist on sanding the material.

Kevin Guarnotta
02-03-2013, 1:44 PM
I've got to replace or sharpen the blades on my Dewalt 735 soon, and I saw this thread. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?191912-Carbide-Tipped-Planer-Knife-Set-for-DeWalt-DW735 I don't know how different the 734 is from the 735? But this option got a lot of good reviews.

Robert Willing
02-03-2013, 8:26 PM
I really have no choice. I buy from the wholesaler that the cabinet makers up here buy from. You see I live in the UP of Michigan and I travel 38 miles (76 miles round trip) to buy my red oak. I have another source but it would mean traveling 2 and 1/2 hours. If I am not mistaken S4S is sanded 4 sides and I buy S2S with rough edges. Sanded surfaces are common practice. I did buy from another source but they do a bad job drying their lumber, it warped after only a few weeks.

Mel Fulks
02-03-2013, 11:42 PM
S4S is usually SURFACED 4 SIDES.Its possible your local dealer has an abrasive planer rather than one with knives or carbide inserts .Its also possible that they routinely sand after planing . Ask them . The grit from sanding is your real problem.