View Full Version : Last in Erosion Series

Michelle Rich
02-03-2013, 6:33 AM
This Erosion piece, #5, will most likely be the last . I hope you have enjoyed seeing them, as much as I have had making them. After making so many of my signature precision negative space designs,I felt as though I had been let out of jail on parole :D, as these pieces felt so non-restrictive & freeing! I wish I had a better camera, as there are so many details on this series, the camera does not pick up. Many of the "spokes" in this are multilevel, and have erosion marks, that cannot be seen.
Black limba, about 8 inches in diameter

Fred Belknap
02-03-2013, 9:13 AM
Beautiful piece and the wood is great. I get an organic feeling about it like it was done somehow by a natural condition. My guess that was your intent.

Nate Davey
02-03-2013, 10:03 AM
This series of forms is incredible, I don't think I like one over the next, with each being a work of art in it's own right. Great forms Michelle, you truly are a visionary in form and turning.

jwjerry w kowalski
02-03-2013, 10:11 AM
Man Michelle your work is so interesting to look at, every piece is a work of art. Must be great to have this kind of creativity and the skill to create it.

Peter Blair
02-03-2013, 10:41 AM
Another beauty. I'm sure I'm not alone to see the end to this series.

Tell me Michelle, did you start out with all the pieces in mind or did the number of pieces in this series just evolve as you produced them?

Michelle Rich
02-03-2013, 11:09 AM
thanks all for commenting
Fred: yes, my intent was to have the piece look like water erosion on soft rock..like sandstone? I used poplar on my first pieces as the color was light like sandstone

Nate..thank you

Jerry..i can't draw a stick figure..it amazes me I do this well.

Peter; no I did not start out thinking of 5 pieces. I made the first & then asked myself, how could I improve it..so 2 was made..then 3. Four was really a dart in another direction, then I returned to #5 and liked it the best and now my head has stopped nagging at me to improve! If it ain't broke don't fix it!! :-) Glad you like the series.I might try to do this on a "real bowl"..we'll see. Keep working with your designs. I am enjoying watching your progress.

Rob Boesem
02-03-2013, 12:12 PM
That is a stunning piece!......Do you have any guess as to the hours put into this piece, Michelle??

Ken Glass
02-03-2013, 1:06 PM
I like like like it. Love the way you used the wood. Well done.

Michelle Rich
02-03-2013, 6:27 PM
Rob: I don't keep track anymore, but better than a day.

charlie knighton
02-03-2013, 8:29 PM
another good one, by any chance, can you post a picture of all of them together?

Michelle Rich
02-04-2013, 6:36 AM
Not with my little pocket sized digital..by the time I backed up far enough to get them in the shot, I'd be off my property :-). If I think of a way, I'll try.