View Full Version : What's the etiquette?

Lee Alkureishi
02-01-2013, 5:42 PM
Hi all,

Like most of you, I check out a few different forum sites on a regular basis. I consider this site my favourite among the turning forums - it's the one I've been a part of longest, have received the most (and most useful) advice, and in general I think the folks here are a great bunch.


I do check out some of the other turning groups from time to time, in particular the aawforums. I noticed that while there's a lot of different faces on there, there are also a few familiar faces.

My question is: What's the etiquette when it comes to cross-posting pieces for C&C on both forums? I know it's technically allowed, but does anyone care if we do that?

Reason I ask, is that I've noticed when others have done this, they seem to preface the post with something along the lines of "I posted this on ____ a while back, but wanted to put it up here because (insert unique feature here)".

Me, I kinda want to post my stuff everywhere and have as many people tear it apart as possible - best way to learn!



Jason Roehl
02-01-2013, 6:30 PM
I've seen plenty of cross-posting in the various woodworking forums (I'm only on SMC and WoodCentral). The only caveat of which I'm aware here at SMC is that you cannot link to other forums (you can post the URL) per the TOS.

Curt Fuller
02-01-2013, 6:31 PM
I'm probably the last person to ask when it comes to ettiquette. But I see nothing wrong with posting the same thing, the same description, etc on various forums. After all, the intent is to show what you've doing and get a response. The more people you expose it to, the more response you'll receive. I'm a slow typer so I rarely respond to more than one forum posting, usually the one I see first or see when I have time to post a response. I do find it interesting thought that you'll often get a different tone of response on different sites.

Aric Krueger
02-01-2013, 6:34 PM
I can't think of a reason why there would be any etiquette faux pas in cross-posting pieces to other forums. If your looking for feedback on your work, that's probably the best way to garner it by reaching a large audience.

Lee Alkureishi
02-01-2013, 8:37 PM
Great, thanks!