View Full Version : Bradford pear Lidded form

Roger Chandler
01-29-2013, 8:01 PM
The ambrosia maple/ redwood form was taken back to the shop today.......after searching through my stash of small pieces of wood, I found a piece of Bradford pear that looked like it had potential.......I put the curly redwood lid up against the blank and it looked promising.......

I proceeded to turn a form similar to the ambrosia form, only more length and I like a foot on a vessel so I decided to make a dome shaped foot to replicate the dome shape on the lid. When I got it done, I put the curly redwood lid on it.........not much better than it was on the ambrosia....:mad:....drop back and punt.

So I cut another piece of that pear. and decided to turn a lid of the same kind.....off the same blank! Well, with the sapwood and swirling grain, this one did not grain match as well as I wanted it to, even though it was from the same larger piece, and I tried to orient the grain the same. [side grain]

This one is 7.25" high at the knob and 5 inches wide. Comments always welcome!


Thomas Canfield
01-29-2013, 8:41 PM
I like the shape of the piece(s). The lid and foot go well together. The wood grain does not seem to fit the piece. It looks like the Bradford Pear has some unusual things going such as possibly some dead wood or other color change. I had some that had been hit by lightning that had a definite live/dead line but not this marble look.

Roger Chandler
01-29-2013, 9:16 PM
This Bradford Pear came down in a storm......belonged to a neighbor down the street.....don't know if it was hit by lightning or just blown over by the wind............it is pretty unusual grain for a BP.

Timothy Mann
01-29-2013, 9:20 PM
Very nice Roger. Nice form and great piece of wood as well.

Bernie Weishapl
01-29-2013, 9:57 PM
Really nice piece Roger. Great wood.

Roger Chandler
01-29-2013, 10:00 PM
Thanks Bernie.......Thanks Tim......appreciated!

Michelle Rich
01-30-2013, 6:54 AM
put this on your desk, Roger. You can put paperclips, and lead pencil refills, and other small items in it. The wood is very interesting.

art pfenn
01-30-2013, 8:46 AM
I think it is a great piece and the lid looks perfect. Very nicely done.

Roger Chandler
01-30-2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks Michelle and Art..........much appreciated!

charlie knighton
01-30-2013, 11:48 AM
very nice, Roger

Richard Madden
01-30-2013, 11:56 AM
Great job, Roger. I think you did a fine job on both the form and the grain match. A lot of Bradford Pear is bland...but not the case here!!! Good job.

Roger Chandler
01-30-2013, 3:37 PM
Great job, Roger. I think you did a fine job on both the form and the grain match. A lot of Bradford Pear is bland...but not the case here!!! Good job.

Thanks Richard! Appreciated!

Roger Chandler
01-30-2013, 5:56 PM
very nice, Roger

Thanks Charlie!

Thomas Canfield
01-30-2013, 9:19 PM
This Bradford Pear came down in a storm......belonged to a neighbor down the street.....don't know if it was hit by lightning or just blown over by the wind............it is pretty unusual grain for a BP.

I always have my eye out for Bradford Pear on the streets cut down. Usually a storm will hit them in the spring when they are really sappy and lots of heavy leaves and have some major limb damage and the owner will then cut down the tree(s). Late damaged trees do seem to have a different grain and the drought here got some also. I noticed today walking neighborhood that the flower buds are forming and it is hard to believe spring is just around the corner.

Roger Chandler
01-30-2013, 9:23 PM
That could account for the browns and creme colors on this, I suppose......wet/dry conditions........perhaps heavy freezes during winter........who knows. There are many Bradford Pear trees here in our subdivision........when spring gets into full bloom, we have both pink and white dogwood, yellow forsythia, ornamental cherry trees, ornamental pear trees and Japanese maple...plus a few others........it looks like Augusta National at the Masters......it is a pretty sight in the neighborhood!

James Combs
01-30-2013, 9:25 PM
Some great looking turning there Roger. Hard to beat Bradford pear. I need to get on the stick and get some larger turnings done. I have 16-18 potpourri lids in various designs. That looks like a nice shape for a potpourri dish, I may have to "borrow" some of your design elements. ;-)

Roger Chandler
01-30-2013, 10:24 PM
Some great looking turning there Roger. Hard to beat Bradford pear. I need to get on the stick and get some larger turnings done. I have 16-18 potpourri lids in various designs. That looks like a nice shape for a potpourri dish, I may have to "borrow" some of your design elements. ;-)

Help yourself, JD! :)

Ken Glass
01-30-2013, 10:37 PM
Love the wood and love the form. Well Done!

Roger Chandler
01-30-2013, 10:45 PM
Love the wood and love the form. Well Done!

Thanks Ken! Appreciated!